A special Story Time session for children on the Warwickshire Libraries Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WarwickshireLibraries) at 6pm this Friday is just one of the wonderful activities you can tak...

A special Story Time session for children on the Warwickshire Libraries Facebook page (www.facebook.com/WarwickshireLibraries) at 6pm this Friday is just one of the wonderful activities you can take part in at home with Warwickshire’s Libraries and Heritage & Culture services this week (w/c 11th May).

Tons of great pastimes that individuals and families can take part in online have been developed by Warwickshire County Council staff, so people can still get involved with libraries and museum services while their buildings remain closed.

Younger family members can take part in Arty Tots from Home on Monday (11th May)! Join in crafts, games and songs you can do at home with your under 5s. Monday’s theme is ‘What’s the weather like today? Visit http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/arty-tots-at-home/.

On Monday, there will also be a fresh Warwickshire Libraries update newsletter published, containing all the latest news on online library services. Sign up to get the weekly update at https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/keepmeposted.

On Tuesday (12th May), learn about what the Heritage and Culture Warwickshire team are working on from home on their website at http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/workingfromhome/. Every week, a new member of the team will be sharing information on what they are working on while the archives and museums buildings are closed.

Keep a look out for the posting of a fresh book review from a Warwickshire Libraries employee on Facebook ~ on Tuesday, it’s ‘The Driver’s Seat’ by Muriel Spark, reviewed by Victoria, which may give you some inspiration as to what to borrow this week from Warwickshire’s virtual library service, BorrowBox, which you can access for free at https://library.warwickshire.gov.uk.

All you require are your library card number and email address. If you’re not currently a member, you can join online. Hundreds of people already have in recent weeks!

Also on Tuesday, there will be a special library blog published at https://librariesblog.warwickshire.gov.uk about Crime Reading Month, which is this month.

On Wednesday (13th May), ‘Warwickshire Museum in your Home’ will bring to you a taste of the events they would usually host in their museums at this time of year. Wednesday’s heritage theme is ‘Games and Sport’. Visit http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/warwickshire-museum-in-your-home/.

Also on Wednesday at 10.30am on Warwickshire Libraries Facebook and Twitter (@warkslibraries) it’s ‘Guess the Book’ with #BedworthBears followed at 12.30pm on Twitter by a book-themed #LunchtimeLibraryChat. Wednesday’s theme is ‘Which fictional school would you most like to attend?’, so there should be plenty to discuss!

On Thursday (14th May), you can virtually meet the Heritage & Culture Warwickshire team. Every week, get to know a Heritage & Culture employee and find out more about their work, their favourite archive or article, and more fascinating facts! Go to http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/meet-the-hcw-team/.

There will also be another new Libraries blog at https://librariesblog.warwickshire.gov.uk, this time comparing ‘Genres and Biscuits’, and at 11am on the Libraries Twitter you’ll discover the mystery of ‘Books Spine Stories’.

On Friday (15th May), take part in a virtual ‘Show and Tell: Tales from the Collections’ as curators and archivists in Heritage and Culture share a talk with you on YouTube, so you can discover the Warwickshire archives and museum collections from home. Friday’s historical theme is ‘What the Record doesn’t tell’. Visit http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/show-and-tell-from-home/.

Friday’s #LunchtimeLibraryChat on Warwickshire Libraries Twitter will be asking “What are your Crime Reading Month recommendations?”.

Then at 6pm on Friday, take part in an amazing Facebook Story Time session, suitable for all the family! Enjoy a story-telling session with Alison from Warwickshire Libraries as she reads ‘A Busy Day for Birds’ at https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirelibraries/.

On Saturday (16th May), discover the stories of ‘Our Warwickshire’ with an online quiz, where your family can answer questions about history, heritage and the natural environment by delving through the pages of the Our Warwickshire website. The website is made up of thousands of photos, stories, memories, and maps uploaded by local people, museums and archives. Go to http://heritage.warwickshire.gov.uk/our-warwickshire-quiz-from-home/.

Also on Saturday, there’s no need for families to miss out on the entertainment provided by the popular Lego Clubs that are usually hosted in Warwickshire’s libraries, as they can take part in a fresh Facebook Lego Challenge at home each week. Like and follow the Warwickshire Libraries Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/warwickshirelibraries/ and check each Saturday morning for the latest challenge!

Finally, on Sunday (17th May), it’s the ‘Where in Warwickshire?’ challenge! Follow the clues on social media to a Warwickshire landmark or place, which will be shared on the Warwickshire Archive Twitter account @Chambearlin.

Published: 11th May 2020

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