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The first wave of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is complete and reports are available. Action plans are being developed to reflect the needs in each area.

The first wave of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is complete and reports are available on the website. Action plans are being developed to reflect the needs in each area.

Some common themes have been identified in all areas so far, including the following:

  • Access to transport, in particular for those in rural areas
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Communications and information sharing
  • Single Point of Access (SPA) to improve the accessibility of support
  • Promotion of volunteering opportunities
  • Mental health services, risk of suicide and self-harm
  • Support for young people and children

There were also some specific needs identified for each local area, which have informed the recommendations and action plans for each area. These are summarised below:

Area Specific needs to be addressed
Rugby Town North
  • Increase opportunities to meaningful employment
  • Improve support for young people and tackle self-harm
  • Extend out of hours services and ensure main hospital services can be accessed
North Warwickshire
  • Ensure local, smaller communities are included in engagement work and receive adequate communication about local supports
  • Promote a single front door, better plan and join up services
  • Work with veterans to identify needs
  • Ensure dementia-friendly communities and access to early diagnosis
Nuneaton Central
  • Tackle long-standing deprivation and high level of poverty
  • Ensure skilled work is available, bridging the skills gap and volunteering opportunities
  • Services, supports and green spaces to be accessible to all community groups
  • Address needs of young people, in particular mental health
South Leamington Spa
  • Address health and social inequalities and develop inclusive, intergenerational communities
  • Ensure older people have warm homes and appropriate accommodation, including reducing risk from falls
  • Increase physical activities and use of green spaces
  • Plan for inclusive, safe and connected communities
  • Improve air quality and community green spaces
  • Address all forms of poverty and collaborate with food banks and Citizens Advice
  • Cancer urgent admissions – 2-week wait time

Published: 5th April 2019

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