The Coventry and Warwickshire Place Forum has designated 2019 as the Year of Wellbeing to significantly raise the profile of health and wellbeing opportunities for everyone.
The Coventry and Warwickshire Place Forum, made up of the two Health and Wellbeing Boards, has designated 2019 as the Year of Wellbeing to significantly raise the profile of health and wellbeing opportunities for everyone.
Partners across Coventry and Warwickshire have renewed their strong commitment to working together by signing an updated health and wellbeing concordat. The concordat is a partnership agreement which underpins a commitment to a programme of work around wellbeing, including the Year itself.
Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chair of the Warwickshire Health and Wellbeing Board, signed the concordat alongside Cllr Kamran Caan, Chair of the Coventry Health and Wellbeing Board. Both Councillors also hold roles promoting wellbeing at regional and national levels.
Cllr Izzi Seccombe is Leader of Warwickshire County Council, Portfolio Lead for Wellbeing for the West Midlands Combined Authority and Chairman of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board.
Cllr Kamran Caan is Coventry City Council Cabinet Member for Public Health and Sport and Physical Activity Political Lead for the West Midlands Combined Authority.
Cllr Seccombe said: “I’m happy to be signing this new concordat, which has been refreshed to recognise the strengthened relationship between partners and the way we work together. We have made enormous progress since 2016 and will continue to drive positive outcomes for our people and our places through the Year of Wellbeing. We will use the Year to bring real stories to life and showcase the range of local options available to people.”
Cllr Caan added: “The alliance between our Health and Wellbeing Boards is non-statutory, so by having this concordat the commitment each partner makes is visible to the public and the member organisations. We are keen now to turn our words into actions, using the Year of Wellbeing to make things happen.
“We have a great opportunity to combine the City of Culture 2021 and the European City of Sport 2019 programme, recently awarded to Coventry, with the Year of Wellbeing to make strong links between sport, leisure, culture and wellbeing. The size of the programmes means the benefit will reach across Warwickshire as well as Coventry. I clearly have a vision that I will do everything I can, supported by Coventry’s Leader George Duggins, to ‘change people’s lives for the rest of their lives’, this a saying that I have made to reflect my vision. Coventry is on the rise!”
Alongside the concordat and the Year of Wellbeing, the Place Forum also signed off a visual tool to easily show people how all of the agencies are working together and how health and wellbeing is integrated right at the heart of our communities.