Welcome to our 2024 advent calendar of kindness, warmth, wellness and community spirit! Each day until Christmas we will be sharing info on how to help one another stay safe and well.
Warwickshire Libraries offer a wide range of free events and activities all year for both adults and children.
During school holidays, children can enjoy craft sessions, science workshops, theatre performances, and storytelling visits. Adults can join or even set up a local reading group—a wonderful way to meet others and stay connected.
See what’s happening at libraries near you this winter: warwickshire.gov.uk/libraries
You can check out all library events on eventbrite
Christmas opening hours
WCC managed libraries will be closed on
- Wednesday 25 December
- Thrsday 26 December
- Friday 25 December
- Wednesday 1 January
Please check warwickshire.gov.uk/findalibrary for individual library opening hours
Keep up to date
You can keep up to date with all the latest news and information from our libraries through the Warwickshre Libraries newsletter - sign up to receive it straight to your inbox.
Merry Christmas from Warwickshire Libraries
We’ll see you tomorrow for day 13 of our Christmas countdown calendar!
And make sure you follow us on social media - Facebook and Instagram