On 4 January 2021, in partnership with the charity Warwickshire Rural Community Council, we are launching a demand-responsive minibus service for those of all ages who can't access public transport.

The wheelchair-accessible vehicles will make a number of set journeys into and out of Rugby at key times from villages in the borough surrounding the town, and outside of these times it can be booked for journeys to work and back, GP/Hospital visits and, when restrictions are lifted, for shopping and leisure. Wherever possible, it will pick up and set down at points of your choosing within Rugby or one of the three zones it operates from. 

It will operate Monday to Friday from 7am until late and, in most cases, it can be booked on the same day. Fares are just £4.00 single, £6 return and Concessionary Passes are accepted in-line with the current terms and conditions. Child fares are also available. 

Three vehicles all complying with Covid-19 regulations will operate from three different zones to the north, west and south of Rugby and further details can be found at www.warwickshire.gov.uk/buses. 

Kim Slater, Chief Executive of Warwickshire Rural Community Council (WRCC) says: 

“WRCC is a charity that aims to support rural communities in Warwickshire and Solihull and we are delighted to be working with Warwickshire County Council to deliver the IndieGo bus service from January 2021 for the residents of Rugby Borough.  
We know that reliable, comfortable, accessible transport is so important for people in rural communities and we hope that this service will help to reduce isolation and increase access to essential services for all.” 

Cllr Jeff Clarke, portfolio holder for transport and planning at Warwickshire County Council, said 

“This is very welcome news.  These buses offer lifelines to those, including key workers, who can’t ordinarily access bus services. 

It’s reassuring that passengers’ safety is of the utmost importance as these buses will be servicing some the county’s more vulnerable residents. They can pick up at their passengers’ doors and drop off pretty much wherever they need to go.    






Published: 31st December 2020

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