Following the suspension of services from Kenilworth Train Station, a statement from WCC
Cllr Jeff Clarke, portfolio holder for planning and transport, said: “The County Council is aware that West Midlands Trains has suspended its Kenilworth services due to traincrew shortages owing to staff testing positive for Covid19 and their colleagues having to self-isolate. Our expectation is that these are short-term absences but appreciate that it has made continuing the service simply not practicable for the short term.
“We are obviously disappointed that the service is temporarily being suspended but we understand; the safety of the train crew and, of course, all passengers has to be paramount.
“We know how much it is depended on not only for leisure or shopping travel, once restrictions are lifted, but also for people to travel to and from work. The cross-county line running from Nuneaton to Leamington Spa illustrated this clearly with passenger numbers showing strong growth prior to the outbreak of the pandemic.
“We are aware that a replacement bus service will be available to transport critical workers and those still needing to travel in the short term, however we are working with our partners in the rail industry to ensure that this suspension is a short-term measure and that the full service is reinstated as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.
“Travelling by train is integral to the county’s transport strategy, as well as our commitment to tackling climate change, in keeping cars off the road wherever possible and the cross-county service is integral to this.”
Full details of the amends to train timetables and replacement bus service is available here: http://news.wmtrains.co.uk/pressreleases/west-midlands-railway-unveils-amended-timetable-to-keep-key-workers-moving-3063896?utm_campaign=send_list