Warwickshire County Council’s Road Safety Education Team is committed to delivering quality road safety education and learning provision throughout these rapidly changing times.


Continuing to teach essential road safety skills and embed good practice remains a key priority. In response to the most recent national lockdown and school closures, the Warwickshire Road Safety Education Team has developed a collection of free virtual learning resources for children aged 3 – 11 years.

These creative and engaging resources have been designed to be used flexibly both in schools with key worker and vulnerable children and by parents and families who are supporting home learning.

Each resource focuses on a specific, age appropriate, and timely road safety message to help children learn about staying safe. Key messages include:

  • stopping before the kerb and crossing roads safely;
  • scooter safety;
  • the importance of being visible;
  • independent travel; and
  • Safety throughout the Seasons

Cllr Jeff Clarke, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder - Transport & Planning, said: “Road Safety Education is a skill for life and embedding safe practice should begin as soon as children start to walk and be built upon, steadily, throughout their education.

“Although it is not possible to get out and about as much at the moment under the rules of the ongoing national lockdown, it’s really important that educating our young people about road safety and safer journeys continues and this new video resources will be it easy and fun for parents and carers to do this as part of their home learning timetables.

“The council is committed to addressing climate change and sustainable travel is key to that.  But if we are encouraging more children to walk, scooter and cycle, it’s important that they know how to do so safely. This will be an invaluable tool in giving them those skills.”

All resources are available for Warwickshire primary schools, parents, families, and partners to access for free via the WCC Youtube Channel on the below links:

For more information contact Warwickshire Road Safety Education Team at roadsafetyeducation@warwickshire.gov.uk

Published: 25th January 2021

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