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Wellbeing for life logo

Wellbeing for life is back to encourage all communities across the region to think about little things they can do to improve their health and wellbeing.

Surveys conducted by Warwickshire County Council (WCC) and Coventry City Council (CCC) following the last period of lockdown and school closures revealed some negative effects on people’s wellbeing including low mood, increased loneliness, higher alcohol intake and patterns of unhealthy eating amongst residents.  

Findings showed that the wellbeing of most people in our communities had been affected but that the impact on young people and women was greatest. To ensure residents can take steps to protect themselves physically and mentally, local authorities are getting ready to launch Wellbeing for Life, the health and wellbeing campaign which builds on the legacy from the Year of Wellbeing in 2019.

In 2019, Year of Wellbeing was introduced across Coventry and Warwickshire to significantly raise the profile of the healthy opportunities available to residents. The campaign reached more than a million people through events, online wellbeing pledges and social media activity. Watch the Year of Wellbeing legacy video here:

Wellbeing for Life builds on this and pushes into a new year with new ways to encourage everyone to look after their physical and mental wellbeing. Due to the pandemic, the campaign has adapted to a virtual programme, but will still be offering the great support delivered by the Year of Wellbeing.

Locally, there are services available right now, for free to support lifestyle changes. Fitter Futures Warwickshire is available online and aims to support people to improve their health. This may include maintaining a healthy weight, becoming more physically active and having a healthier lifestyle. Find out more about how Fitter Futures can help you here:

The Coventry Health Challenge, based on the government’s Better Health campaign has been raising health awareness among older people, those that are overweight, those with long term health conditions, BAME groups and smokers to improve their health. Thereby having a significant impact on their long-term health and wellbeing, reducing the risk from a more serious illness should they catch COVID-19. To find out more, and make a pledge to improve your wellbeing, click here:  

Warwickshire County Council portfolio holder for Adult Social Care & Health, Councillor Les Caborn, said: ‘I’m very pleased to see the launch of Wellbeing for Life, especially at this time when looking after our wellbeing, and the wellbeing of others, has never been more important.

‘Supporting the region to work towards a healthier lifestyle is one of the county council’s top priorities. The Wellbeing for Life campaign will offer support to residents by providing advice and help on how to increase physical activity, make healthier choices, quit smoking which can in turn improve mental health.

‘Remember, support is always available across the county for people who need it. Look after yourselves and your loved ones, be safe.’

Coventry City Council portfolio holder for Public Health and Sport, Councillor Kamran Caan said: “As we did during the Year of Wellbeing in 2019 we will once again be encouraging all communities across the region to think about little things they can do to improve their health and wellbeing as part of Wellbeing for Life.   

“We face big challenges, particularly with the ongoing pandemic, but we also have some big opportunities like taking control of our health and lifestyle choices. Maximising these opportunities will not only help residents enjoy a healthier, longer life and the Wellbeing for Life campaign will be here to advice residents. Keeping active, eating well and not smoking are some of the key things we can all concentrate on in achieving a healthier, happy life for everyone not forgetting improved mental health.  

“The relaunch of Wellbeing for Life is very exciting for our city and it is more important than ever that we pay close attention to our own wellbeing, and the wellbeing of those around us.”  

For mental health advice in Warwickshire visit: and for Coventry visit:



Published: 11th February 2021

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