
Great news for Warwickshire residents this week as Warwickshire County Council’s collective energy switching scheme has secured some fantastic savings for Warwickshire residents.

This is the 9th reverse auction which over the last 3 years has saved residents a combined amount of over £1.5 million on their gas and electricity bills.

Following a successful reverse auction between competing gas and electricity suppliers this February the winning supplier in all categories was Shell Energy

It’s also great news for the environment as the successful provider offers residents 100% renewable electricity.

In Warwickshire, thousands of households have registered an interest to switch with the scheme and it’s still not too late to register and find out if you to can save money on your energy bills. The offer will remain open until 23rd March 2021 for online registrations and 16th March, 2021 for postal registrations. If you have not already signed up to the scheme you can NOW: https://bigcommunityswitch.co.uk/warwickshire/landing and receive a free, instant, no obligation quote.

Warwickshire’s Switch and Save scheme has combined with 61 other similar initiatives from all around the UK to create a consumer collective of over 57,000 registered households.

Residents across Warwickshire who registered before the February auction are already receiving their personal offers letting them know if they will be able to make savings against their current energy supplier.

Welcoming the continued success of this scheme, Cllr Peter Butlin, Deputy Leader of Warwickshire County Council and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Property, said: “This is fantastic news. Some residents will be paying too much, particularly if they haven’t switched supplier for a while, so I’d encourage everyone to sign up and see what offer they receive. Don’t delay, sign up today”

If you miss the current deadline for the February 2021 auction there will be another opportunity to take part in the coming scheme which is scheduled to launch on the 30th March 2021.

For future updates about the scheme please visit the webpage here: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/switchandsave

If you want to get up-to-date information on the Climate Change Emergency in Warwickshire, sign-up to the new climate change newsletter: http://eepurl.com/hrk-zf

Interested in exploring whether solar power and battery storage, is right for your home? Visit the new Solar Together site for more details: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/solartogether

Published: 25th February 2021

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