Warwickshire County Council is proposing to introduce a series of speed cushions/speed tables and speed humps and a 20mph Zone on Warwick Road, Smalley Place, Abbey End, Kenilworth.

Scheme overview

Under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Highways Act 1980, Warwickshire County Council proposes to introduce a 20mph zone and associated raised tables and speed cushions along Warwick Road Kenilworth and nearby streets as given in the public notice below.

Traffic Orders and Public Notices

Other reports

Technical plans


Any objections or representations to the proposals, which must be in writing and specify the grounds on which they are made, should be addressed to Graham Stanley, Communities, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4SX, or sent by email to chrisround@warwickshire.gov.uk (Objections, representations, and the name of the objector or person making a representation, will normally be treated as public information and may be published. For further information on how Warwickshire County Council processes personal data please refer to the Customer Privacy Notice.

Objections and representations must be sent so as to be received by 16 April 2021


Published: 17th March 2021

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