Warwickshire County Council’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy for the next five years has been approved by Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Health and Wellbeing Board is made up of leaders from the county, borough and district councils across Warwickshire as well as Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (WCAVA), Healthwatch Warwickshire, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG), NHS trusts, Warwickshire Fire Service and the Police & Crime Commissioner. As a collective these partners have an ambition to improve health, reduce inequalities due to lifestyle, and make it easier for residents to get support.
From November 2020 to January 2021 the Health and Wellbeing Strategy was open to receive feedback from people who live and work in Warwickshire, to share their views on the county’s priorities to tackle health inequality and improve the overall health and wellbeing of residents. Over 560 residents responded to share their views and ensure this strategy outlined the right priorities for Warwickshire.
Following this consultation from the public, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2021-26 identified three priorities for the next two years:
- Help our children and young people have the best start in life
- Help people improve their mental health and wellbeing, particularly around prevention and early intervention in our communities
- Reduce inequalities in health outcomes and the wider determinants of health
As Warwickshire continues to support communities and services in recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, importance is being placed on tackling inequalities in health and creating engaged and cohesive communities that can thrive despite the ongoing challenges we all face.
Warwickshire’s Health and Wellbeing Board will routinely monitor the strategy’s performance and after two years will evaluate if these three priorities should continue, or if there are other areas to focus on to help achieve Warwickshire’s long-term strategic ambitions.
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy was considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board on March 3rd 2021. For more information visit: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/insights-service/health-and-wellbeing-strategy/