Thousands of children across Warwickshire will be offered places at primary schools today (Friday 16th April), with a record number of children being offered a place in a reception class.
Today – 16th April – is National Offer Day, when children up and down the country learn which primary school they will attend for the 2021/22 academic year.
In Warwickshire, 6021 children applied for a reception place, an increase of 1% on the previous year. Out of those, 91% have been offered a place at their first-choice school. A further 6% have been offered a place at either their second or third choice school. This means a total of 97% of children have been offered a place at one of their top 3 schools, with the remaining 3% offered alternative places.
Every applicant who applied on time has been offered a place at a school.
This year, 97% of parents and carers applied online for either a reception or junior school place, an increase of 1% on the previous year. Those applicants will receive an email, or can check their online parent portal, by 2pm on Friday 16th April. Letters to the remaining 3% were posted on Thursday 15th April.
Ian Budd, Assistant Director for Education Services said “I’m really pleased that almost all applicants gained a place at one of their preferred schools, with most getting their first choice. We know that starting school can be an anxious time for families, but the Covid-19 pandemic has shown just how important education is to Warwickshire children. We are really looking forward to welcoming our new primary school children starting in September”.
The deadline for Warwickshire parents to respond to their primary school offer is 30th April. More information on how to do this is on the Warwickshire County Council website at: