A green county with more parks and open spaces is what the children and young people of Warwickshire would like to see, according to a survey of their views and opinions.
Warwickshire County Council’s wide-ranging survey engaged more than 1,800 people aged between four and 17-years-old in February and March, with the aim of getting the voice of children and young people at the heart of its Child Friendly Warwickshire (CFW) programme.
Promisingly, the survey found that 85 per cent of under 11s consider the part of Warwickshire they live in to be “child friendly”, whilst the figure for 11-15-year-olds and over 15s was 82 per cent and 78 per cent respectively.
Across all age groups children and young people highlighted how highly they valued parks, open spaces and countryside.
Among the changes participating young people said they would like to see was an increase in the number of fun activities, especially for older children, and equipment available in the county’s public parks.
It also found that tackling homelessness, child poverty and reducing domestic abuse were high on young people’s list of changes they would like to make in their hometowns. Key issues which they felt needed addressing were crime, environment and improved safety around traffic.
When given a multiple-choice question on what makes them feel safe, all age groups voted family first, followed by friends and then school.
Whilst recognising the many good things happening across the county to support children and young people, under CFW the council hopes to work with organisations and business to help make Warwickshire the best it can be and offer a great place for children and young people to live, learn and grow.
Cllr Jeff Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Children, Families and Education at Warwickshire County Council, welcomed the findings. He said: “Children and young people across the county have spoken – and now we must listen. Child Friendly Warwickshire must involve everybody and everything in this county which in anyway contributes to the experience of growing up here. That’s why the voice of youth is at its very heart – and what has been said in this survey will be taken very seriously and guide the way we work in the months and years ahead. This survey is just the beginning, and we will make certain young people are in the driving seat to ensure Warwickshire is the best place in which to grow up.”
The survey found that access to services, especially libraries, was of particular importance. It asked if anything was stopping children and young people achieving – for which a number of issues were highlighted, including anxiety and mental health, pressure at school, stress and confidence. It showed that children and young people value more opportunities to learn different things, including life skills, work experience opportunities and to earn money.
Those who responded also highlighted other ways in which they would like to learn, which included by exploring, having fun, accessing a library and having “understanding teachers”. They wanted to be involved in decisions.
The anonymous survey was shared on social media platforms, as well as via emails through schools, youth groups and other organisations.
The survey’s findings will be shared across the council and with other partner organisations. The data will help inform the priorities for the Child Friendly Warwickshire programme, ensuring the voices of children and young people are its guiding force.
For more information and details on the survey’s finding, visit: https://api.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/WCCC-1980322935-1881