The requirement to self-isolate for close contacts changes on 16 August.
Those under 18 years and 6 months as well as those who are fully vaccinated (more than 14 clear days after their second dose of vaccine) won't have to isolate but are still advised take a PCR test, and continue with regular twice weekly LFT testing. They are also advised to limit contact with others and wear a face covering, as you can still be infected with COVID-19 if you are fully vaccinated.
Any close contacts who have not received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, or are 18 year and 6 months (or over), will need to continue to isolate to protect themselves and others. Also, anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms, or who tests COVID-19 positive must continue to isolate.
While these changes bring a level of freedom to people who have been double vaccinated it is important to remember that COVID-19 continues to spread in Warwickshire communities.
We are asking communities to continue to follow guidance to reduce the spread such as; cleaning hands, covering faces in indoor public places, maintaining social distance, and getting lots of fresh air by meeting others outdoors or keeping windows or doors open for ventilation indoors. Importantly, for anyone aged 16 or over, please makes sure you have both doses of your COVID-19 vaccine.
Director of Public Health Warwickshire, Dr Shade Agboola, said:
“COVID-19 continues to be prevalent within our communities. While the isolation guidance changes for people under the age of 18 years and 6 months, and those who have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, we should all continue to take steps to protect ourselves by remembering hands, face space and fresh air.
“Regular LFT testing continues to be important as 1 in 3 people with COVID do not have symptoms even if fully vaccinated. Testing helps to identify positive cases and we encourage everyone to continue to test every 3-4 days.
“All over 16s are now able to get their vaccine, both doses of the vaccine are needed for the best protection against the virus. You can also demonstrate that you have received your vaccine through the NHS COVID pass, available as part of the NHS app, this can be useful when you’re going on holiday or attending large events.
“We’ve come so far together let’s continue to do the right thing to keep each other safe.”
For more information about the latest guidance, visit
To find out more about eligible vaccine groups and how to get a vaccine, visit
Local vaccination drop ins and vaccination sites can be found here:
Information about the NHS COVID pass is available here