It’s NEAT News for residents of Napton who will be better informed about what’s happening to tackle climate change thanks to Warwickshire County Council’s Green Shoots Climate Change Fund.

The full list of 69 projects set to receive funding from the Green Shoots Fund was announced on 30 July 2021 and the NEAT News publication was one of a number of projects funded for under £5k with a total approved amount of £1,650.

The Green Shoots funding will enable the Napton Environmental Action Team (NEAT) to publish a series of newsletters, ‘NEAT News’, which aims to report more positive news stories about what is happening to tackle climate change and the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity, which are less likely to have been reported in the mainstream media.

The core aims of the NEAT News are:

  • To inform residents about key issues relating to climate change, biodiversity and habitat loss;
  • To showcase examples of good practice both locally and further afield around the issues; and
  • To inspire behavioural change towards more sustainable living and help people to adapt constructively to a changing world.

Speaking on behalf of the NEAT News project, Jonathan Horsfield, said: “Our world is changing fast.  The implications could be huge for us all - for adults, children and for how we work and earn a living.  These are not fully understood – but the evidence is overwhelmingly accepted. 

“NEAT News aims to show that action is taking place even if, for many, this is by no means fast enough.  Especially in 2021 with so many global weather extremes, and with the crucial importance of the UN’s global COP26 decision making conference in November – it is deeply important that families, communities, and businesses better understand and begin to mitigate and adapt to the challenges. 

“It is our hope that NEAT News will, in some small way, alert more residents and businesses to the reality that things can change for the better.  The changes they make do add up and will count towards keeping the earth’s temperature down and recreating the biologically diverse environment that we, as humans, depend upon.” 

Cllr Heather Timms, Portfolio Holder for Heritage, Culture and the Environment, said: “It’s easy to think that Climate Change is so vast that there are limited things that we, as individuals, can do to make a difference. But there is one, very powerful, thing that we can do that genuinely will make a difference: that is to educate ourselves and our families about the issues and ensure that learning is passed on to others.  

“Publications, such as NEAT News, are a fantastic example of how a community-powered Warwickshire can share this information around the ongoing climate emergency and gently encourage real and meaningful behavioural change amongst our residents. I am thoroughly looking forward to reading the first edition.”

To read a digital copy of the first edition of NEAT News, visit:

A full list of projects that will receive Green Shoots Community Climate Change funding can be found here: 

For more information about the Fund, visit: more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit:

Get the latest news about how Warwickshire County Council and partners are facing the challenge of the climate emergency and how you can get involved:

Published: 3rd September 2021

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