50 Things to do before you're 5 app
Fifty Things To Do App

Take part in enjoyable learning activities with your children that will aid with their development and help them to thrive in the future.

The 50 Things To Do app features activities to support the different stages of development for children from birth until they are five years old.

This incredible app is now available to residents across Warwickshire and all residents need to do is download it from their phone or tablets app store.

50 Things To Do Before You're Five gives you 50 activities that parents and carers can support their children to try out. It’s a great way to tick off fun, free or low-cost activities for under-fives.

All activities within the app are built around resources and amenities within local communities, encouraging families to visit places and take part in fun things to do on their doorstep, such as visiting local libraries, museums, parks and green spaces.

The activities aim to support early education and develop children's social skills and can include anything from looking at books, singing songs and rhymes, painting and drawing, playing with letters and numbers, through to being with others or going out and about on outings and visits.

Presented through a mobile app, it’s easy to access and conveniently available whenever the moment arises for a new activity. There is also a wealth of helpful information within the app to support families and professionals working with children.

The app will also be used by early years settings and schools across the county and promoted to families by a range of professionals working in SEND services, Health, Public Health, Libraries, Community Groups, Adult Education and Family Hubs.

Jeff Morgan, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Families & Education, said: “We are delighted to be able to bring the 50 Things to Do Before you are Five App to Warwickshire families.

“The App is fantastic; it has been carefully developed by education experts and Early Years practitioners and it also considers children with special educational needs & disabilities and reflects our culturally diverse community.

“It’s all about helping families to provide a strong home learning environment, developing early language and having fun with your children - we hope families who download it will be as excited about it as we are.

“The beauty of 50 Things is that it can be accessed by anyone, anywhere and it has a ‘no cost or low cost’ approach. We hope that the app will help families across Warwickshire to help their children learn at home and when they’re out and about.

“We want it to be embraced by mums, dads, carers, grandparents, friends, aunties and uncles and everyone with an interest in helping young children meet their potential and have the best start in life.”

The app was introduced as part of the Nuneaton Education Strategy which aims to improve education, prospects and aspirations for the young people of Nuneaton - however it can be used by anyone, anywhere in Warwickshire.

It follows the evidence to suggest there is an ‘achievement gap’ between disadvantaged children and their non-disadvantaged peers, so WCC is exploring innovative approaches to support the youngest children across the county as evidence shows that supporting families with access to high quality, local, low-cost opportunities to interact and learn with their children is successful.

To find out more about 50 Things To Do Before You’re Five and to download the app and get started go to: https://warwickshire.50thingstodo.org./app/os#!/welcome

You can also visit the Facebook Page here: https://www.facebook.com/50thingswarwickshire/

Find out more about your possible entitlement to Early Years Education Funding here: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/children-families/help-childcare-costs/1

Published: 9th February 2022

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