In 2022, Her Majesty The Queen will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of remarkable service.
To celebrate this momentous occasion, residents across Warwickshire are being invited to get involved in celebrating Her Majesty’s historic reign in the run up to the official four-day Platinum Jubilee Central Weekend, which takes place from 2 - 5 June 2022.
To celebrate the Platinum Jubilee and provide a legacy for future generations we are supporting The Queen's Green Canopy (QGC) The Queens Green Canopy is a unique tree planting initiative created to mark the occasion which invites people from across the United Kingdom to "Plant a Tree for the Jubilee".
To find out more about the Queens Jubilee, please visit the Platinum Jubilee website.
You can also download the Platinum Jubilee toolkit which has some fun activities, recipes, and music playlist ideas.
Social media channel Nextdoor, a partner of The Big Jubilee Lunch, have set-up the Nextdoor Jubilee Events Map, to help people all over the country including Warwickshire connect with their local area and host or find nearby Jubilee events. You can also view and add your Jubilee events to the official Platinum Jubilee Events map.
Celebrate with Warwickshire Libraries
Warwickshire Libraries will also be hosting a whole range of free activities for people of all ages to enjoy, from livestreams, virtual events, and displays of local royal connections and memories, to providing Jubilee biscuits and getting involved in The Big Jubilee Read.
Find out how Warwickshire's libraries are celebrating the Jubilee.
Local events
Please note that whilst it is too late to apply for any new permissions for road closures or licensable activities for Jubilee street parties, details about the events, activities, and road closures already taking place within your local District or Borough for the Jubilee are available at:
Important information for holding a street party
if you are holding a street party or get together make sure you're prepared.
Public Health
There are currently no legal COVID-19 restrictions in place across the country. However, COVID-19, along with many other respiratory infections can spread easily. The risk of catching or passing on COVID-19 is greatest when someone who is infected is physically close to or sharing an enclosed and/or poorly ventilated space with other people. Make sure you are familiar with the latest national guidance.
Public liability insurance
There is no law that says you must buy insurance for a voluntary or community event but you might want to make sure you are covered in case something goes wrong. Having public liability insurance may give you peace of mind.
Risk assessments
Please ensure you have a record of risks and how you are planning to control them. The Health and Safety Executive risk assessment examples has some useful information and example templates you can use.
If you intend to use fireworks as part of the celebrations, then please ensure that you do so safely. More information can be found on the celebrate safely webpage
Fire Safety
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies to virtually all premises, including most buildings, structures and open spaces. This includes outdoor events. The 'Order' requires the organiser to make sure that a fire risk assessment is undertaken by a competent person. The risk assessment must identify the fire risks that can be removed or reduced, general fire precautions and people at special risk. More information about fire risk assessments.
If you are having guests stay in your home for the Jubilee celebrations, please ensure that you have working smoke alarms on each floor of your home and that all guests know what the escape plan is and where house keys are kept. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue's fire safety information will help with your planning.
If you are holding a street party or having guests over then please ensure that they park safely and legally. With lots of people at home fire risks increase, so we need to be able to get through with emergency vehicles.
Alcohol licence
Licences are only required if alcohol is sold. At a private party, sharing drinks with your neighbours does not require a licence.
Entertainment licence
If your street party is a private party for residents and the music is not advertised in advance to attract people, and you’re not making money, then there is no need for a licence for your music, whether live or recorded.
It may be courteous to let neighbours and businesses in the area know what your plans are in advance of the event, especially if your party goes into the evening. Leave a phone number with them so they can call if they have any questions or concerns.
If it is a private party, you do not need a licence under the Licensing Act 2003 to sell food (unless you wanted to only sell hot food and drink after 11pm). Remember, you can always ask your neighbours to bake a cake, make a sandwich or bring food to share with one another. This is also a good way to bring different groups of people together.
If you are using a barbeque, please ensure that it is situated well away from fences, sheds, trees, shrubs and garden waste. Never use petrol or paraffin to start or revive your barbeque and only use recognised lighters or starter fuel on cold coals.
Sky lanterns
We do not recommend their use due to the fire hazards and risks they pose to property, crops, livestock and the environment.
If the tombola/raffle tickets are sold on the day and the prizes are not worth more than £500 in total then it will be exempt from gambling regulations (however, if tickets are sold in advance of the event, you will need a lottery registration). Any proceeds from the tombola/raffle must go to a good cause, such as a charity or even covering the cost of your party. Alternatively, if you did want to raise some money for a good cause, you can always ask people for donations.
Clean up afterwards
If you are having a street party, you will need to clean up the are once it’s finished. It’s your street, your party, so keep your local area clean and tidy. Let people know in advance what time the party will finish and have a section set aside for bin bags and recycling.
If at an outdoor location, including our country parks, we would ask to keep the area tidy and clear up any mess made. If bins are full, please bring bags with you so that you can take the rubbish home to dispose of.
Most importantly enjoy the celebrations, get involved and help to celebrate Her Majesty the Queen and her 70 years of service.