The Drowning Prevention Week logo, with text saying, "Drowning is preventable"

Drowning Prevention Week runs 18-25 June and is targeted at raising awareness of water safety ahead of a summer of outdoor activities.

More than 400 people accidently drown across the British Isles each year, not to mention the many more who have non-fatal accidents, in some cases suffering life-changing injuries. Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service attended 28 incidents in 2020/21 and 12 in 2021/22, demonstrating that there is no room for complacency.

The risk of accidental drowning increases significantly from May onwards each year. A 2022 survey conducted by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS), who organise the awareness campaign, found that 44% of accidental drownings happen between May and August and more than 46% of those involved never intended to be in the water.

The RLSS have created the Water Safety Code to help keep you safe whenever you are close to open water:

  • Stop and Think – Take time to assess your surroundings. Look for dangers and always research local signs and advice
  • Stay together – When around water, always go with friends and family. Only swim at a lifeguarded venue.
  • In an emergency, call 999 – Ask for the Fire & Rescue service when inland and the Coastguard if at the coast. Don’t enter the water to attempt a rescue.
  • Float – if you fall in and become tired – stay calm, float on your back and call for help. Throw something that floats to someone that has fallen in.

The rangers at Warwickshire’s Country Parks, operated by Warwickshire County Council, are reminding visitors to take extra care when enjoying the parks. The industrial heritage of the sites means that there may be unknown dangers lurking beneath the water. Swimming isn’t permitted at any of the Country Parks, in part due to the poor water quality that arises from the presence of blue algae and proximity to sewage works.

Luckily, the water at Kingsbury Water Park and Ryton Pools Country Park is shallow and so the risks that come with accidentally falling into the water are relatively low. Most incidents at the sites have historically involved visitors pursuing dogs who have run off into the water. Thankfully, these incidents haven’t caused any serious harm, however Drowning Awareness Week is a sober reminder of the potential risks.

Angling is a popular draw to both Ryton Pools and Kingsbury Water Park and the RLSS have five top tips to help keep you safe whilst fishing:

  • Know how to perform CPR and learn some basic lifesaving skills.
  • Always wear a floatation vest and nonslip shoes or boots.
  • When you arrive at your spot, take a moment to stop and think. Assess the area and choose a safe spot with good footing.
  • Take a mobile phone with you. If you see somebody in trouble in the water, don’t enter the water to perform a rescue – instead call 999 and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service when inland, and the Coastguard if at the coast.
  • If you fall into the water. Stay calm, float on your back, and call for help.
A man fishing at Kingsbury Water Park


Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Fire & Rescue and Community Safety at Warwickshire County Council, said: “The advice offered by the Royal Life Saving Society can help everybody across the county enjoy water safely.

“Many young people missed out on the chance to learn how to swim safely, due to the impacts of COVID, and so the messages brought to the forefront by Drowning Awareness Week couldn’t be more relevant.”

To learn more about the Drowning Awareness Week campaign, visit the Royal Life Saving Society UK website.

For more information about Warwickshire’s Country Parks, visit:


Published: 16th June 2022

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