A new online platform from Warwickshire County Council’s Road Safety and Active Travel Teams aims to help residents to choose more active travel around the county.
The new website – https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/warwickshire-safe-active-travel – forms part of a new campaign called #JustOneJourney which is aimed at encouraging residents to adopt active travel in small steps by starting with a single journey that they usually make by car.
The website has a variety of information and resources, including:
- Information about walking and cycling in Warwickshire;
- Journey planners;
- Travel plans;
- Videos and route maps; and
- Extensive information for Schools, Work Places and Communities around being more active.
Warwickshire’s Safe and Active Travel programme has been developed to promote and support the delivery of road safety education and active travel interventions to schools, workplaces, and communities across Warwickshire and is delivered by officers from the Road Safety Education Team.
Cllr Wallace Redford, Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning, said: “The benefits of active travel are huge both for the individual and for the wider environment.
“For many of us, it might seem difficult, and perhaps daunting, to know where to start as travelling by car, even for short journeys, has become so engrained in our daily lives. We are committed to supporting residents to realise that they can start their active travel adventure by switching just one car journey every week to an active alternative such as walking, cycling or scooting and hope that this new website will be an invaluable resource for all.”
For further information on road safety education and active travel in Warwickshire visit the Warwickshire active travel website
Warwickshire Road Education Team use social media to raise awareness and educate road safety and active travel. Please follow on social media on Facebook @WCCSafeActiveTravel and Twitter @WCCSafe_Active.
Warwickshire County Council is currently consulting on its plans for walking and cycling infrastructure across the county. You can take part in the consultation here: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/insights-service/lcwip/