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National Pet Fire Safety Day

Did you know that on the 15th July Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service will celebrate our fluffy furry friends?

National Pet Fire Safety Day reminds us to consider our pets when planning fire routes and safety in our homes. 

If you are a pet owner, the service is giving information and advice on being more mindful with fire hazards in the home.  

  • Use flameless candles that feature bulbs as opposed to wicks. If you DO opt for the real flame please ensure pets are never left unattended near the open flame. 

  • If your dog is large enough to reach the counter with its front paws, remove the knobs on stove switches prior to leaving the house. 

  • Opt for stainless steel or ceramic pet drinking bowls if they are placed on a wooden deck. Believe it or not, rays of sunshine, when filtered and heated through glass and water, can actually cause the wood beneath the bowl to start burning. 

  • Pet proof your home by looking for potential fire hazards through the eyes of a pet. Loose wires, stove tops and piles of flammable objects near items that heat up are all potentially dangerous. 

  • Ensure pets are wearing collars at all times and that their leads are easily found near the front door. This way, whoever is the first on the scene of a fire will be able to quickly and easily lead your pets to safety. Pets will often be waiting at the door to run out as soon as somebody opens it. 

  • Provide pets with an escape route in case of fires. A pet door is a great option. Avoid locking pets away in a room where they have no escape option in case of emergency. If you absolutely have to lock them away for whatever reason, try to leave them in a room close to an entry door so that they can be easily found by the first person on the scene should a fire break out. 

  • Consider installing monitored smoke detectors in your home so that somebody will be alerted if a fire does break out when nobody is at home or aware of the situation. 

  • Be aware of where your pets tend to nap or hide so that you know where to look if you need to find them quickly. 

  • Let firefighters know exactly what to look for. Window stickers that provide information on the type and number of pets inside can be incredibly useful in alerting firefighters to the fact that they should also be looking for pets (and when they should stop) if the situation permits. 

Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Fire and Rescue and Community Safety at Warwickshire County Council said: “National Pet Fire Safety Day highlights the importance of protecting our pets from harm. Our pets are as much a part of our family as any other member.   

“Accidents can happen in a split-second and many times our pets can cause a fire if we don’t take the proper precautions. We urge pet owners to take stock this week and learn about reducing the risk of fires and include pets in their family emergency plans.” 

You can apply on Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service’s website for a safe and well visit, a free service to help you stay safe and reduce the risk of fire in your home.  

Published: 14th July 2022

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