There is just over a week left for residents to give their views on important plans for walking and cycling across Warwickshire. With the consultation period ending on 14 August, residents’ views...

There is just over a week left for residents to give their views on important plans for walking and cycling across Warwickshire.

With the consultation period ending on 14 August, residents’ views are being sought on a draft version of the Warwickshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).

This plan will be used to develop Warwickshire’s walking and cycling programme over the next ten years.  So we need to find out now what infrastructure schemes should be included and prioritised. 

The draft LCWIP has been developed following public engagement in 2021, which asked people to identify what types of walking and cycling improvements they would like to see in their local area. 

Public events about this consultation have also taken place around the county this summer, and an information webinar was held on Thursday 21 July 2022.  To watch the question-and-answer session from this event visit:

With concerns about the rising fuel prices, climate change and personal health, local people are frequently telling the Council that they would like to walk and cycle more but would like better facilities to support this. The LCWIP consultation is the perfect opportunity for all Warwickshire residents to tell the Council exactly what they think of the plans to improve walking and cycling provision.

Cllr Wallace Redford, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Planning said: “Active travel and encouraging our residents to ditch their cars for shorter journeys is a key priority for this Council. The benefits of this travel shift are huge for both individual health outcomes and for the wider environment.

“We recognise that it is not enough just to ask residents to make this large model shift without providing the necessary walking and cycling infrastructure that make it both possible and desirable, which is why this consultation is so important. With just over a week to go, I hope that as many of our residents as possible take part in this consultation as we work together for a Warwickshire that is sustainable now and for future generations.”

To complete the survey visit: before Sunday 14 August 2022

Feedback from the consultation will be used to produce an amended LCWIP. It is intended to progress this to formal adoption later in 2022.  The final LCWIP will be closely integrated with the Active Travel Strategy in Warwickshire’s emerging Local Transport Plan.

Warwickshire County Council would welcome responses from all residents and any interested individuals, groups or organisations to help to shape these proposals.

To complete the survey visit

Detailed responses can be sent by email to

To find out more about the plans, visit:

Find out more about some of the existing cycle routes across Warwickshire, here:

Published: 3rd August 2022

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