The Child Friendly Warwickshire bear dancing against a pink background behind blue text that reads 100 Friends!

Less than a year after launching, Child Friendly Warwickshire can now boast over 100 friends across the county.

As of early September, more than 95 local businesses and organisations had signed up to help create a child friendly Warwickshire - a big thank you to all these fantastic friends and others who are supporting children and young people throughout Warwickshire and beyond!

Child Friendly Warwickshire aims to make the county the best place it can be for children to grow up and learn. Friends of the programme are committed to putting children and young people at the heart of what they do and setting inspiring examples that make a positive difference to their lives.

Key to the success of Child Friendly Warwickshire is harnessing the power of Warwickshire’s communities, through the council’s Community Powered Warwickshire (CPW) programme; where every business, organisation and individual is committed to creating a county where all children and young people - no matter their background - are safe, skilled, heard, healthy and happy.

The continued development of the friends’ network ensures Child Friendly Warwickshire can grow in communities and offers an even greater opportunity to do more for children, young people and their families. Child friendly activities from friends of the programme are showcased and celebrated, ensuring the voices and views of children and young people are heard across the county.

Here are just a few examples of how Child Friendly Warwickshire friends have created opportunities for children and young people over the last year…

  • Barclays have offered free employability sessions to all young people across the county through Barclays Digital Eagles, and have welcomed over 250 attendees to date
  • Guide Dogs offer free iPads to children and young people with vision impairment through their Tech For All scheme
  • Everyone Active offer free memberships to children in care and care experienced young people
  • Think Active offered Commonwealth Games tickets to children and young people in Warwickshire who typically experience barriers to accessing opportunities such as the Games and who would benefit most from receiving the tickets
  • Armstrongs Accountants donated over 180 Easter Eggs for children in care
  • More than 25 friends attended Warwickshire’s Youth Conference as stall holders to provide information and advice to over 80 children and young people from across the county

Cllr Jeff Morgan, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, said:

“A priority for Warwickshire County Council is to ensure children and young people are supported to live their best lives, but we can’t achieve this alone. That’s why we introduced the friends’ scheme, so businesses, organisations and charities could join us in nurturing the next generation.

“I am delighted that, less than year after launching Child Friendly Warwickshire, we already have 100 friends. From the Myton Hospices and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, to Guide Dogs and Barnardo’s, all our friends are committed to putting children and young people at the heart of their work.

“I can’t wait to see how this programme grows and the positive opportunities that will be created for the future of Warwickshire. I encourage all businesses and organisations in Warwickshire and beyond to sign up today and help us to create a county which is truly child friendly.”

By becoming a friend, businesses pledge to be one of the faces of Child Friendly Warwickshire by setting inspiring examples, helping to promote and share information with their partners and followers and encouraging others to join in creating a county which is truly child friendly. Every action, no matter how small, will make a difference. To sign up as a friend, and to see the businesses and organisations that are already on board, visit:

A number of existing friends are already supporting events and activities throughout their local communities; from sponsoring events such as our Care Experience Celebration, to donating to projects like the Family Information Service Christmas Gift Initiative. Find out how to get involved in working towards making Warwickshire the best place it can be to grow up:

For all the latest news, follow Child Friendly Warwickshire on Twitter and Facebook and check out #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire. With so many great things happening in communities across the county, the council is calling on people to share ideas and updates about anything they’ve been doing by emailing or tagging #ChildFriendlyWarwickshire on social media.

Published: 29th September 2022

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