Warwickshire County Council’s library service has celebrated the completion of refurbishment works at Kenilworth Library.
Warwickshire County Council’s library service celebrated the completion of refurbishment works at Kenilworth Library earlier this month and marked the special occasion with a launch event on Friday 7 October during National Libraries Week.
The event started with children’s entertainer Sohan Kailey demonstrating a Bhangra Tots session in the Children’s library area in celebration of National Libraries Week, delivering interactive storytelling through the power of music and dance. During this time, guests of the event also toured the library to appreciate the new refurbishment work first-hand that has made Kenilworth Library a much brighter and larger space.
Cllr Andy Jenns, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, delivered a welcome speech to guests, followed by speeches from Sir Jeremy Wright MP, Monica Fogarty, Chief Executive of Warwickshire County Council, and David Kelham, the High Sherriff of Warwickshire. The speakers discussed the importance and value of libraries to Warwickshire’s local communities and detailed how the refurbishment work will benefit the people of Kenilworth for many years to come.
The special occasion concluded with the cutting of a celebratory cake, followed by Warwickshire’s Young Poet Laureate for 2021-22, Daniel Wade, delivering two poems much to the delight of attendees. Notable guests who also attended the launch event included Cllr Samantha Lounden Cooke in her capacity as Kenilworth Town Mayor, and Kushal Birla and Ayub Khan representing the County Council and Warwickshire Libraries.
Cllr Andy Jenns, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
“Kenilworth Library was becoming tired and dated, so we wanted to reconfigure and update the space for modern library use. We now have a larger lighter library space and can offer more activities for children and adults whilst delivering a better service for our customers.
“Libraries are an important space to discover and enjoy books, and there is nothing we love more than to encourage a love of reading at our branches. However, the library is also a cornerstone of the community where we help people to develop new skills, take part in activities and access vital services.
“Just as libraries need books, they also need people, and so I encourage everyone across the county to make the most of your local library, to enjoy it and find out more about what we have on offer.”
“Good libraries build services and collections, and great libraries build communities, which I know Kenilworth does with its incredible partners and volunteers and is at the heart of the community.”
The need to refurbish Kenilworth Library increased over time following regular use of the library’s services by the local community, with the last refurbishment taking place almost 20 years ago in 2005. The creation of a larger and brighter library space through the latest refurbishment has provided an uplifting environment that can be enjoyed by customers and staff alike, including more floor space to host future library events and activities. Warwickshire Libraries took the opportunity of undertaking the refurbishment work during the pandemic, which removed any disruption to everyday use as the library was able to offer a click & collect service from another area.
To keep-up to date with Kenilworth Library’s latest activities, information, and events, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/kenilworthlibrary
To join your local library for free, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/jointhelibrary