This week Warwickshire County Council launches You Can Online, a brand-new initiative delivered through Warwickshire Libraries.
The initiative provides support and access to digital devices for individuals, families, and local communities in order to help with the development and learning of key digital skills. The digital tablets are available to borrow from Warwickshire Libraries to enable people to feel safer, more confident, and included in the online space.
Digital exclusion can occur when people are unable to access digital devices, an internet connection, or do not have the right tools and support to develop already limited digital skills. This exclusion can have real-world impacts such as missing out on finding new job opportunities, developing career skills for improved earning potential, not feeling confident with online shopping or monetary transactions, or not knowing where to seek out the best deals online for everyday expenses. Digital exclusion can also impact mental health and increase feelings of loneliness and isolation for someone who does not understand how to use technology to communicate with friends and family members.
You Can Online encourages people to overcome any fears or anxieties, limited knowledge, or lack of access to the online world. Starting from this week, which coincides with national Get Online Week, Warwickshire library members have the opportunity through You Can Online to borrow digital tablets for up to six weeks at a time, completely free of charge. During this loan period, library members will receive regular support from Warwickshire Libraries’ IT team to learn and develop the digital skills they need. The Lenovo M10 tablets that are available to borrow are pre-loaded with a selection of apps and come with internet data included. If you are not a library member and would like to borrow a digital tablet, then you can join your local library for free. Ask a member of staff at your local library or visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/jointhelibrary
Cllr Andy Jenns, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
“Advancements in technology mean that digital skills are increasingly important for connecting with others, accessing information and services, and meeting the changing demands of the workplace and economy. As we continue to live in an increasingly digital society, this is leading to a digital divide between those who have access to information and communications technology, and those who do not, and we are very aware this is giving rise to inequalities in access to opportunities, knowledge, services, and goods.
“You Can Online is a great contributor to tackle digital inequality and social exclusion across the county by providing the opportunity for people borrow digital tablet devices for free with learning support from Warwickshire Libraries. Our libraries provide a safe space with welcoming staff for you to get all the help with basic digital skills that you need. No questions are too stupid, and the team will go through the digital basics you would like to learn at a pace that is comfortable for you.”
In addition to You Can Online, Warwickshire Libraries provide a great range of digital services to support local communities:
- Books are available to borrow for library members through the online library catalogue, or by browsing the BorrowBox collection which includes a great range of eBooks and eAudiobooks. Newspapers and magazines are also available through Pressreader & Libby
- All physical libraries offer free Wi-Fi and free time on public computers, and staff can help you to find trustworthy online sources for facts, news, and other information.
- IT Help and support sessions take place regularly at libraries across the county.
- The County Council’s Cyber Security Team deliver regular sessions in Warwickshire Libraries to raise awareness of how to protect yourself online. Find out more at Cyber Safe Warwickshire
- Nuneaton, Rugby, and Leamington libraries offer Let’s Make sessions to get hands-on with the latest technology from 3D printing and virtual reality to robotics.
- Warwickshire Libraries also have a Code Club and lend out Micro:bit kits so that younger library customers can develop coding skills at home as well as through sessions in the library.
To find out more about the range of services available, please ask a member of staff in your local library or visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/libraries.
To join your local library for free so that you can borrow a digital tablet, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/jointhelibrary
To find out more about You Can Online, email youcanonline@warwickshire.gov.uk, leave a message by phone on 01926414926, or visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/youcanonline