In recognition of the impact of cost of living concerns on victims and survivors of domestic abuse, Warwickshire County Council and partners are raising awareness of support.
Many people experiencing domestic abuse may have already been subjected to coercive control or financial abuse with regards to their own spending and that of the household budget.
Warwickshire’s Domestic Violence and Abuse Service provider, Refuge[1], show that three quarters of frontline workers surveyed said that the cost of living crisis is increasing barriers to leaving a perpetrator. One of these barriers is based on financial abuse where a perpetrator will use coercive control on a victim, which results in the victim handing over access to their bank accounts and ultimately, their freedom.
In the same survey from Refuge[2], it was also found that 68 per cent of victims were left questioning their decision to leave their perpetrator, because of their struggle to afford the basics for themselves and any dependents. Almost all (97 per cent) of those surveyed said they now rely on foodbanks.
In addition to help and advice via its dedicated cost of living webpage www.warwickshire.gov.uk/costofliving, Warwickshire County Council, align with its partners, including Refuge and Warwickshire Police to ensure all aspects of support are available to victims-survivors and their dependents.
From the webpage, people can access links to assistance with council tax payments, energy advice, food support, help with childcare costs and general money handling. There is a dedicated link to the Local Welfare Scheme, which offers emergency help and support with food, energy and associated costs. This is particularly pertinent for victim-survivors of domestic abuse as one of the criteria is specifically for ‘anyone experiencing a situation which poses a serious health or safety risk to themselves or their family.’
Cllr Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health said: “The Council and its partners are working together to ensure everyone has access to help and support during these difficult times. If you are vulnerable and are worried about your safety and that of dependents that you may have, then please remember you are not alone, we can help you. Please visit the council webpage or call 01926 410410.
Financial abuse may not be the only form of abuse taking pace within the home. Other forms of abuse carried out by a perpetrator includes physical, emotional, technological and sexual abuse.
If you are concerned about yourself, dependents or someone you know, you can call Refuge on 0800 408 1552 to speak to a support worker or go to our dedicated webpage www.talk2someone.org.uk to see what a variety of services available to support you.
In an emergency, if you are in danger, always call 999.