Homes for Ukraine
Homes for Ukraine

In recognition of the tremendous support that has been shown to Ukrainian refugees by Warwickshire residents through the Homes for Ukraine scheme over the last six months...

....Warwickshire County Council has announced it will be implementing an additional housing support package.  

The package is aimed to alleviate some of the financial pressures experienced by hosts as a direct result of offering their homes to Ukrainian guests as well as the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. 

Homes for Ukraine hosts have been receiving a £350 a month ‘thank you’ payment from the government since guests started to arrive in Warwickshire six months ago. The council has agreed to offer an additional payment of £150 per month to all hosts who commit to their guests staying beyond six months. 

Using the Homes for Ukraine funding from the government, the hosts will be paid per month up to the 12-month payment, totalling an additional £900.  The payment will be tax-free and can be either a single long staying guest, or multiple groups. 

Warwickshire County Council is also offering a one-off fuel payment of £200 to all active hosts to help alleviate additional cost incurred by hosting guests. This will also be a Tax-free payment, and will be made with the December “Thank you” payment.  New hosts and sponsors joining the scheme after December 2022 will also be eligible for the one-off fuel payment.  

Additional support for Homes for Ukraine guests  

Warwickshire County Council expanding its help to Ukrainian guests, has approved a new guarantee scheme to enable access to private tenancies. Guests that wish to rent private accommodation and would meet a set of criteria, will have the local authority acting as a guarantor. This will include guests having saved enough money to pay the deposit and first month’s rent and undertaken a financial assessment. Further details of this scheme will follow. 

Leader of Warwickshire County Council, Councillor Izzi Seccombe, said: “We are pleased to announce this additional support package which will enable local hosts to cover their increased cost of living while continuing to provide a safe home to Ukrainian refugees.  

“At the same time, it is crucial to stand by Ukrainian refugees that have settled in the county and are ready to take their next step.  

“The council continues to work closely with residents, voluntary and community groups and partner authorities to ensure both hosts and Ukrainian guests receive the support they need.” 

Since the initiative began, there have been offers from 584 households in the county to host Ukrainians. There is still a need for sponsors in Warwickshire, so if you are interested in supporting Ukrainian refugees the Homes for Ukraine team can talk you through what is involved.  If you would like further information, please contact 

Published: 3rd November 2022

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