Residents, businesses and community groups across Warwickshire are being invited to have their say on Warwickshire County Council’s draft Sustainable Futures Strategy.
The new draft Sustainable Futures Strategy establishes the direction and priorities of Warwickshire County Council to reduce carbon emissions, support biodiversity and promote economic growth across the County. It directly addresses the significant challenges of climate change, which poses a direct risk to Warwickshire communities and economy, and declining biodiversity, which impacts on both our wellbeing and economic prosperity.
Warwickshire County Council have already started work towards its goals of reducing carbon emissions to net zero across the Council by 2030 and to support Warwickshire as a County to do the same by 2050 or earlier. But to achieve those goals, more needs to be done. It also needs to be done faster and in partnership with others, including residents, businesses, other public sector organisations, community and voluntary groups.
The Council is therefore encouraging everyone with an interest in creating a sustainable Warwickshire now and for future generations, to read the Strategy and give their feedback through an online survey. They can leave their thoughts on the Strategy approach, the priority areas and planned actions as well as their views on how the goals should be delivered.
The Strategy and survey can be found at: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk
Because the breadth of work to be done is so significant, the Council has established objectives to cover six key themes:
Transport - We want to have zero emissions surface transport across the County, increasing the use of sustainable modes of transport, with every resident having access to zero carbon private, public and active transport options.
Energy – We want to live and work in a County that is powered entirely by clean fuel or renewable sources.
Built Environment - We want to live and work in buildings that are energy efficient, powered by clean energy sources and connected to nature.
Resources, Waste & Circular Economy – We want a County where all waste is diverted from landfill and there is a circular economy that provides commercial opportunities and new jobs
Sustainable Communities & Green Economy - We want to have a County that is measured by prosperity and health, where people have the skills and access to new green jobs, and where all the industries contribute to sustainable, equitable and healthy communities.
Natural Capital and Biodiversity – We want a habitat-connected landscape for people to enjoy, and wildlife to thrive.
A summary of the draft strategy is available here: www.bit.ly/SustFuturesExecSumm
The complete draft strategy is available here: www.bit.ly/SustFuturesStratFull
The survey launched on 18 November 2022 and will remain open until 15 January 2023. The results will inform the development of a final Sustainable Futures Strategy to be taken to Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet in Spring 2023.
Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate & Culture, said: “We are very excited to share our new Sustainable Futures Strategy because it sets out our direction of travel as a Council for years to come.
“This strategy is a sharing of our plans for rising to the challenge of mitigating and adapting to our planet’s changing climate, but it also embracing sustainability in its widest sense. This includes how we want to build sustainable communities and develop the green economy across Warwickshire and how we plan to protect and increase our precious biodiversity and habitats.
“Sharing this Strategy with the people of Warwickshire is particularly important because sustainability is something we can’t do alone. We are keen to work in partnership and collaboration with the communities of Warwickshire as we deliver this, so I hope as many people as possible will give us their views.”
For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit: https://www.warwickshireclimateemergency.org.uk/
To sign-up to the Warwickshire County Council climate change and sustainability newsletter, visit: www.eepurl.com/hrk-zf