Warwickshire County Council is thrilled to launch a brand new service, Caring Together Warwickshire for anyone who offers informal care across the county. To kick start the launch, a new full service, interactive website has gone live, which has been designed for carers, by carers.
Carers Trust, Heart of England (HofE) won the contract to provide this service following a competitive tender earlier this year and has been working with Warwickshire County Council to set up the service, in line with the needs of adult, parent, working and young carers throughout the county.
The council and Carers Trust, along with health, education and community partners will continue the progressive work with carers to configure and plan the service going forward. As well as digital support via the website, carers will have access to a dedicated phone number and face-to-face support from advisors and other carers. The service will also offer carers assessments for adults and young carers throughout Warwickshire.
Cllr Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health from Warwickshire County Council, said: “We are really pleased with the new look service and the interactive website. Informal carers have everything they need to find support, help and answers to their questions about every aspect of their caring life and beyond. The new service is indicative of the great co-production of partners from across Warwickshire. I would urge everyone to see what’s on offer and more importantly to register as an informal carer via the website.”
CIaire Dale, Chief Executive at Carers Trust (Heart of England) added: “Having provided services for carers across Warwickshire for many years we were delighted to have been awarded the contract to deliver the new all age wellbeing service. We are excited about working with carers, Warwickshire County Council and other partners to further enhance support that is available for people with care responsibilities both now and in the future.”
A Warwickshire adult carer involved in developing the service offer commented: “I worked on the co-production of the new website and I am so pleased with the result. I know as a carer how hard it is to access information quickly – the website is a great hub of information and is easy to navigate for all levels of digital expertise. There is something for all carers and the dedicated phone line means you can also speak to someone on the other end of the phone if you need to speak to someone.”
To access the new website go to www.caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk
For general information about carer support in Warwickshire please go to www.warwickshire.gov.uk/carers