Warwickshire’s county, district and borough councils, Warwickshire Police, Refuge and other partners are using the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence campaign to highlight the breadth of support services available to people in Warwickshire affected by these crimes.
The campaign is an annual global movement that calls for the prevention and elimination of violence against women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
Warwickshire partners have come together to share a social media campaign over the 16 days of activism and stand in solidarity with any victim or survivor of domestic abuse or harmful practices whatever their background, location, age, gender, or sexuality. The local campaign will share advice, support and real stories with residents in order to help people find solace in the many domestic abuse support services on offer in Warwickshire.
Councillor Margaret Bell, Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health said: “The 16 Day campaign allows the council and partners to pull resources together and showcase all of the support on offer to people affected by abuse. We want to send the message that Warwickshire is here for everyone who has been harmed in this way and that there is help for you and any dependents you may have. Please do reach out and get the vital support you need.”
During the 16 Days, the social media campaign will cover several topics including the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, what it’s like to experience domestic abuse, domestic abuse and disabled people, elder abuse and domestic abuse and mental health.
Superintendent Pete Hill, Warwickshire Police Vulnerability and Safeguarding Lead, said: “We all have a responsibility to tackle domestic abuse, which predominantly but not always affects women, along with wider violence against women and girls. Whatever the crime, whether it be violent, sexual or emotional, we will listen and investigate. We want to make sure victims have the confidence to come forward and report what is happening to them."
“It is important we call out the abhorrent behaviour against some women in Warwickshire and this is what we will be encouraging throughout the 16 days of action.The campaign this year coincides with the World Cup, a time when we traditionally see a rise in domestic abuse, and we will have extra officers on duty to check on people vulnerable to these types of offences.”
Abigail Ampofo, Director of Service Delivery at Refuge, said: “I’m really pleased that Warwickshire County Council is supporting the 16 Days campaign, raising vital awareness about domestic abuse and gender-based violence. With one in four women in England and Wales experiencing domestic abuse in their lifetime, we all need to come together to dispel myths and make sure that people are able to spot the signs that their partner may be abusing them.
“Action must continue outside of the 16 Days campaign – survivors are facing a tough winter with the cost of living crisis and the frontline teams at Refuge are handling new challenges relating to technology and control every day. I look forward to Refuge to continuing to work with the council, our partners and partner agencies to provide important support within the community which will no doubt be life saving in so many cases.”
For advice and guidance throughout the 16 Days campaign please go to www.talk2someone.org.uk