An update on Avian  Flu in Warwickshire - January 2023

Cases of avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 have been confirmed in dead wild birds found on the River Avon in Stratford on Tuesday 3 January 2023.

A 3km captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone is in place in the area.

Advice to the Public

The public are advised to reduce the spread of Avian Influenza by:

  • keeping to the footpath, with dogs on leads;
  • not picking up or touch dead or sick wild birds; and
  • not touching wild bird feathers or surfaces contaminated with wild bird droppings.

Residents who find dead birds are asked to report these in the following instances:

  • If they find one or more dead birds of prey (such as an owl, hawk or buzzard)
  • If they find 3 or more dead birds that include at least 1 gull, swan, goose or duck; or
  • If they find 5 or more dead birds of any species

Please report online: or call the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77

Rules for bird keepers

Owners of captive birds can find out if they are in the 3km zone by visiting the Bird Flu Disease Control Map:

In all disease zones, bird keepers must:

In addition, if keepers are in a captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone (as is the case near The River Avon in Stratford), they must:

  • keep poultry and other captive birds housed
  • keep a record of all poultry or poultry eggs that enter or leave your premises, except eggs that are being moved direct to wholesale or retail premises to be sold

Register birds

Keepers who have not already registered their birds are encouraged to do so, even if they only have a few ducks/chickens etc. kept as pets. They should visit:  

Keepers can also contact Warwickshire County Council Trading Standards Animal Health Team on 01926 414040 to arrange for their birds to be registered.

Trading Standards especially wish to hear from anyone keeping unregistered birds in the 3km captive bird (monitoring) controlled zone around the River Avon in Stratford.

For the latest updates visit:  

Published: 5th January 2023

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