
Residents from across the county are being asked to have their say on proposed changes to the SEND and Inclusion Service Offer in Warwickshire.  

The public consultation has been running since the start of December 2022 and gives parents, carers, children, young people and professionals the opportunity to have their say on the proposed changes to both the core and traded offer, currently provided for education settings.  The consultation closes on Sunday 26 February 2023. 

Details of the consultation and drop in events can be found here: The latest online event can be viewed here WCC SEND Public Consultation - SEND and Inclusion Service Offer - 12.01.2023 


The consultation forms part of a wider programme of work being undertaken to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND in Warwickshire. The core offer includes the things the Council agrees are right things to do to help to improve support services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The proposed changes to the traded offer include things that the council could provide, such as specialist training, if other agencies such as schools and education settings wish to pay for them.  

Talking about the consultation, Councillor Kam Kaur, Warwickshire County Council’s portfolio holder for education, said:    

“Working together with our partners, we want to improve the outcomes for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities by promoting inclusion in mainstream settings, giving schools the skills and resources to meet the needs of learners and building the confidence of parents and carers.   


“We have received some great feedback through the consultation so far, which will help us to shape the services we offer to families with children and young people with SEND. This is your opportunity to look through the proposals, ask any questions and respond with your views. So please do take the time to fill in the consultation and have your say!” 

The feedback from the consultation will be used to help improve the range of services provided by the Council to ensure that education settings have the right resources and skills to meet the needs of their learners and that all children and young people with special educational needs feel fully supported.  

To find out more about the consultation, drop-in and online events or to respond to the consultation, please visit:  If you would like any further information, please email or call the Family Information Service on 01926 742274.  


Published: 16th January 2023

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