Warwickshire residents are satisfied with the condition of the County’s roads and the work carried out by Warwickshire County Council to repair and improve them, says national survey.

Warwickshire came first amongst its peers for keeping drains clear and working - according to the results of the NHT Public Satisfaction Survey which is carried out annually on behalf of local authorities. 


The survey tells us what people think about the County’s roads and public transport networks and how these can be improved. The results show that overall the County came fourth amongst its peers in overall public satisfaction, with most other scores coming in the top 15 %.


3,300 questionnaires were posted out across Warwickshire to households chosen at random by market research specialist, Ipsos MORI. 854 members of the public responded which represents an overall response rate of 25.9% compared to the national average of 22.8%. 


Across the country, 111 authorities took part in the survey this year - similar to the number taking part in 2021. As well as providing satisfaction benchmarking for all participating authorities, the survey provides a comparison with 30 of the County Council’s peer authorities taking part in the survey. 


When ranking against peers, NHT also takes into consideration an authority’s progress compared to previous years, so if another authority has the same score, but has improved more, they will be ranked higher. For example, for provision of drains, Warwickshire achieved the joint highest score of 51%, however, was ranked second, because the other authority had improved more. 


Cllr Wallace Redford, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways says: 

“We know the upkeep of our roads and footpaths is very important to our residents and we are committed to making sure that our highways are safe and well-maintained.


We welcome the findings of this year’s NHT survey, which broadly shows a good level of public satisfaction with our efforts to improve the County’s roads. We are particularly proud of the feedback around keeping our drains and gullys clear as this is an area we have worked hard to improve. I’d like to say a big thank to our highways teams and contractors for all their hard work which has helped achieve these results. However, we are not complacent, we know that there is still much to be done, and more room for improvement, and we will continue to focus on doing better in all areas. The survey results help us plan for the future, taking into account the views of our residents.”


Authorities are supplied with data and software, to allow them to analyse, map, chart and benchmark data against other participating authorities.

County Council Comparison table: Warwickshire’s 10 best scores based on ranking for highway maintenance

The table below lists the top 10 indicators where Warwickshire ranks highest against its 30 peer authorities.



Keeping drains clear and working


Weed killing on pavements


Provision of drains


Weed killing on roads


Condition of road markings


Undertakes cold weather gritting


Condition of highways


Overall satisfaction


The condition of pavements


Condition of road surfaces



To find out more about the National Highways and Transport (NHT) Public Satisfaction Survey visit:  https://nhtnetwork.org/


Published: 19th January 2023

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