At a meeting of its full Council on Tuesday, Warwickshire County Council members observed a minute’s silence to remember the victims of the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
Chairman Cllr Dave Humphreys said “On behalf of everyone at Warwickshire County Council, I would like to express our deep condolences for the tragic loss of so many lives by the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.
We offer our deepest sympathies to all those affected. We know that there are residents in our communities who are worried and anxious about friends and family in the region. We stand with you - and think of all those grieving at this terrible time.
We stand ready to work with and support the efforts of our local communities to provide help and comfort to those in need.”
UK Government advice is that anyone in the UK concerned about relatives or friends should call the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) in London on 020 7008 5000. The FCDO has also updated their travel advice webpages for Turkey and for Syria.
Residents who wish to offer support to the relief efforts can do so through the organisations listed below.
Official donations to relief appeal can be sent to:
Turkey-Syria earthquake appeal | British Red Cross
Syrian American Medical Society
MSF UK | Médecins Sans Frontières
Turkey and Syria Earthquake Appeal - Donate Now | Oxfam GB
We will share details of any Warwickshire organisations on our social media channels when available.