Warwickshire County Council has launched a brand new and groundbreaking service to support young people and adults with learning disabilities and/or autism into employment.
The Warwickshire Supported Employment Service (WSES) is the latest evolution of the County Council’s longstanding commitment to Inclusive Employment. It aims to help over 400 people into paid and sustainable employment every year.
WSES is a comprehensive model that will take people through the whole journey into employment and give them the skills and confidence to be job-ready. The unique service offers bespoke support with each individual paired with a one-to-one journey guide for every step of their journey into work.
Together the individual and journey guide will shape a progressive support plan of engaging activities and workshops to meet specific needs. There will be access to Job Clubs and also a brand new Warwickshire Inclusive Jobs Portal which is completely bespoke and has been highly praised by the British Association of Supported Employment.
WSES will then continue to offer support when the individual starts work and will also work with employers to develop and train workplace mentors so they have their own trained staff, going forward.
The new service will work in close conjunction with WCC’s well-established Fair Chance Employer programme which works with education providers and employability groups to shape jobs and opportunities for those supported by the service.
Delivered by a new team within Warwickshire Skills Hub, WSES is open to external referrals from Jobcentre Plus, Education and Adult Social Care agencies and employment partners.

WCC Portfolio Holder for Economy, Cllr Martin Watson, said: “The launch of the Warwickshire Supported Employment Service is a very exciting and game-changing development for Inclusive Employment in our county.
“Warwickshire County Council has never been afraid to do things differently, if doing them differently means progress and improvement. That is what WSES is all about. It shapes our longstanding commitment to Supported Employment to further break down barriers and create inclusive opportunities for our communities in 2023 and years to come.
“Our ambition is to inspire those we work with to gain and sustain employment, striving towards independence and developing essential skills along the way.”
To make a referral to the service please visit: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=BqqwiCdZu0uok4nMJxOsgkRhla592PlMntZfX2le7ZhUNkZFR01NNEpUMENaVlJCR0tWQThIR0hDVC4u
To contact the Warwickshire Supported Employment Service, please email supportedemployment@warwickshire.gov.uk or call 02476 796462