National Secondary School Offer Day 2023 in Warwickshire

Record number of Warwickshire children offered one of their top three secondary school choices.

Thousands of children across Warwickshire will be offered places at secondary schools today (Wednesday 1 March) with a record number of children being offered one of their top three school choices.  

Today is National Offer Day, when Year 6 children and up and down the country learn which secondary school they will attend for the 2023/2024 academic year.  

This year, there were 6,720 Warwickshire children who applied for a secondary place by the application deadline of 31 October, a fall of 0.75% compared to the previous year. Of those, 80.3% have been offered a place at their first-choice school. A further 14.1% have been offered a place at another of their school choices, meaning a total of 94.4% have been offered a place at one of their top three preferred schools. 

Almost all parents and carers now apply for their secondary school place online. They will receive an email, or can check their online parent portal, on Wednesday 1 March to get details of their school offer and instructions on what to do next. Letters to the remaining applicants have been posted.   

To help families to make their school applications, Warwickshire County Council have produced a series of animated videos full of advice and guidance and have held online webinars where parents and carers can ask questions of the admissions team. All of these are available to watch on the Warwickshire County Council YouTube channel.  

Cllr Kam Kaur, Portfolio Holder for Education at Warwickshire County Council said: “I’m really pleased that the number of children getting a place at one of their preferred schools continues to increase. We have many excellent schools across the county, and they continue to be popular with familes both from within Warwickshire and those living outside it. We look forward to welcoming our new secondary school children starting in September”.  

The deadline for Warwickshire parents to respond to their secondary school offer is 15 March. More information on how to do this is on the Warwickshire County Council website at:  

Published: 1st March 2023

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