Warwickshire unpaid carers provide a support to friends, family and neighbours, who can’t otherwise look after themselves, due to poor health or substance abuse.
Adult carers may already have a full-time job and have a family of their own, alongside their commitment to their caring duties. Young carers provide support to parents or siblings, all while attending school and completing homework.
Nigel Minns, Strategic Director at Warwickshire County Council said: “Warwickshire provides support services, tailor made to each person’s caring responsibilities. Please know that there is support and guidance from the teams at Warwickshire County Council and Carers Trust Heart of England and we encourage you to register as a carer.”
He added: “By registering as a carer, we can work with you and provide the very latest advice and support you need. If you’re a young carer, the same applies, we can look at ways we can support you and your family, so you can socialise with your friends and join up with other young carers. To find out more about registering as a carer please go to www.caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk
Warwickshire County Council, along with Caring Together Warwickshire, can provide the following support for carers:
Wellbeing support through a free replacement care service, to help with planned short breaks health appointments, or for emergency planning and an Emergency Card to have key information always to hand.
Full Carers Assessments, support planning and reviews which help to identify any needs you may have
Peer to Peer support with access to groups, activities, and social gatherings
For a full list please go to www.caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk
For younger carers, Warwickshire can offer a dedicated Young Carers service, Young Carers Caring Together Warwickshire.
Just like the adult assessment, Young Carers are eligible for help and support with their caring duties. , This includes one-to-one sessions and to talk through their caring commitments with other younger carers, groups and activities with other peers. To find out more go to https://www.caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk/our-services/young-carers/
To find out about how to apply for help and support for a particular disability, please go to https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/assessingandreviewingyourneeds
For many carers, mental wellbeing may be lost with caring duties, however it’s important for carers to take time for themselves to do things they enjoy. For help with mental wellbeing, the following services can provide support:
Kooth (Young Carers) Go to www.kooth.com
Online support for young people who may need support with their mental health.
Mental Wellbeing
Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Rise aims to build resilience and empower children and young people (as well as the adults in their lives) to know where to go for help and advice. Go to https://cwrise.com/
Loneliness and self-isolation Go to https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/loneliness
We know that for many unpaid carers life is a continual loop of work ,family and caring responsibility. The Loneliness website will help give you ideas, tips and advice on how you can interact with others- virtually or in person. You don’t have to spend lots of money or time while doing some of the activities and even if you just log into a forum and have it playing in the background – you can still feel like you’re involved within a wider group of people who feel the same way as you.
An online community of carers and those with caring responsibilities supporting each other. Why not have a virtual cuppa, get practical advice and tips as well as financial tools and emotional support. Go to https://www.mobiliseonline.co.uk/
For more information, please go to www.caringtogetherwarwickshire.org.uk