Parents and carers of children who will be starting school for the first time in September are invited to join an online webinar on Wednesday 12 April with WCC's school admissions team.
The webinar is to give parents and carers an opportunity to understand more about the school offer that they will receive on National Offer Day, which is 17 April. This is the day when every child across England who is either starting school in Reception for the first time, or moving into Year 3 at a Junior School, will find out which school place they have been offered.
School is one of the most important parts of a child’s life and this event is there to give parents and carers as much support as possible in deciding how to respond to their school offer.
The webinar, called “Getting Your Primary School Offer: Guidance for Parents and Carers” will be held on Wednesday 12 April at 7pm. Parents and carers will hear from the education team who manage the applications process, who will share advice and guidance as well as answer any questions. Places should be booked online at: http://bit.ly/3Jv2e6m
Any parents and carers not able to join on the evening will still be able to watch a recording of the event a few days later, when it will be available on Warwickshire County Council’s YouTube channel.
Nigel Minns, Warwickshire County Council’s Strategic Director said: “Starting school for the first time and moving to a Junior School are big steps for children and parents alike, and I know lots of families will be looking forward to the 17 April when they will find out which school has offered their child a place. We want to make sure every parent and carer has all the information they need for when that offer arrives, so I hope as many as possible will take this opportunity to hear from the admissions team and ask any questions they have”.
More information on applying for a primary school place is available at: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/primaryplace