Meet Linda, who volunteers on a weekly basis for The Heart of England Forest.
Meet Linda, who volunteers on a weekly basis for The Heart of England Forest. The charity is helping to reverse centuries of woodland decline by creating and conserving 30,000 acres of native broadleaf forest across South Warwickshire and Worcestershire for the benefit of the environment, wildlife, and people.
To date, 2 million trees have been planted by the charity, and the Forest currently covers a range of habitats across 7,000 acres of land, including 4,450 acres of new woodland and 600 acres of beautiful, ancient woodland.
Speaking about how she got involved, Linda said: “As an avid lover of the outdoors, I found myself drawn to the ambitious work of The Heart of England Forest, and soon began volunteering for their outdoor conservation activities. I spend two half days a week planting native species of trees and shrubs, restoring wetland areas, and collecting seeds and berries in the autumn to store or plant for future use in the Forest. I also clear away weeds and brambles to encourage growth of the heathland species, and get involved in Hazel coppicing and hedgelaying, all of which I find incredibly rewarding”.
Linda previously worked in IT, and decided she wanted a change in lifestyle with more opportunities to work outdoors, contribute to conservation, and improve our environment: “My volunteering role benefits the local community by conserving wildlife and habitats in my local area, as well as helping the UK as a whole to tackle climate change. I have already recommended volunteerng at The Heart of England Forest to friends and family, as there are a wide range of activities for different levels of fitness and interests. The social aspect of volunteering also continues to be invaluable, as you get to meet lots of friendly and interesting people".
Speaking about the charity’s support to encourage new volunteers, Linda said: “The Heart of England Forest volunteer activities are very well organised, and there are a variety of activities to choose from every week. The staff are friendly and explain the reasons why we’re doing the work and how it benefits the Forest. The other volunteers are very welcoming, so it feels like working with friends now”.
If you are interested in volunteering for The Heart of England Forest, more information is available at https://heartofenglandforest.org/volunteer
On Monday 8 May 2023, people across the nation will be doing their bit and volunteering their time as part of The Big Help Out, an official Coronation initiative. The Big Help Out encourages all of us to have a go at volunteering, whether it be for an hour, a day, or on a regular basis to lend a hand, make a change, and help the people and good causes within our local communities.
To find out more volunteering stories and opportunities across Warwickshire, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/volunteering
For more information about the Coronation in Warwickshire, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/coronation