Barnaby Briggs retirement ceremony

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Barnaby Briggs has retired, hanging up his boots for the last time after 30 years working for Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Barnaby started his career with Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service in 1992 as a probationary firefighter, taking up his first position at Stratford Fire Station. In 1995 he transferred to Red Watch at Leamington Fire Station and from there he has served the communities of Warwickshire, working his way up to Station Manager, Area Commander and finally to Assistant Chief Fire Officer in February 2020. 

Barnaby has been instrumental in overseeing everything from the replacement of uniforms, breathing apparatus sets, bay doors, changing facilities, drill towers, response vehicles and software systems. Most importantly he has been critical in ensuring the delivery and production of structures, policies, and procedures to help to keep the communities of Warwickshire safer.  

As a retirement gift, Barnaby was presented with the traditional silver axe by Warwickshire’s Chief Fire Officer, Ben Brook.   

After 30 years in Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service, Barnaby said having had a pager on my belt pretty much permanently, it’s going to feel a little strange to say the least.  

Talking about the commitment given to Warwickshire, Chief Fire Officer Ben Brook said: 

“We say goodbye to Barnaby, or Barn as he is known, a cherished colleague for so many of us with so many memories. As well as his unstinting commitment and dedication to the service, he always brings his own brand of humour and cheer to our world.  When that is combined with the utter professionalism Barn has always shown, that is a priceless commodity in our field. 

"He has been an exceptional Assistant Chief Fire Officer and we wish him the very best of luck on his retirement. He will be missed by all here at Warwickshire Fire and Rescue!”

Published: 17th April 2023

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