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Changes to the transport application process that will streamline the system were approved at today’s meeting of Cabinet.

Changes to the transport application process that will streamline the system were approved at today’s meeting of Cabinet in a move that is expected to be welcomed by parents and families of children and young people with SEND. 

The report to cabinet recommended a streamlined process where applications for transport can be made alongside the application for school places. Previously, applications for transport could only be made once confirmation of a school place had been received. 

It follows a consultation process undertaken between November of last year and March in which families and carers were asked for their views. 82.6% expressed agreement or strong agreement to the proposed process changes.  

The changes will allow for a more efficient process as once school places are confirmed (in February each year for school admission in September) the information is immediately available to the school transport team, who can start risk assessments and consideration of transport options well in advance of the start of the school year. 

This allows more time to plan and arrange transport and services can be confirmed earlier to parents and carers. This will not only give reassurance to parents but allows transport officers the time to negotiate changes to services with operators and secure the best deal for the council while checking that all risks are assessed and addressed. The new application process is due to be introduced in September 2024. 

The proposed changes also introduce increase personal; choice and give the opportunity for parents and carers to transport their child or young person themselves, receiving a Direct Travel Payment contribution towards the costs incurred. 

The proposed process will also see some changes in the allocation of passenger assistants. These are currently provided on all passenger routes which include a child with SEND.  This will no longer automatically be the case and will, from September 2023, only be provided in instances where the need is identified following a full risk assessment.   

Cllr Jan Matecki, portfolio holder for transport and planning said:

“I’m delighted that we can move quickly in implementing the changes that parents have shown they are in favour of.  It will give them peace of mind and remove months of doubt after a school place is confirmed. 


“And that extra time will give us chance to provide a more efficient service, with the best rates negotiated with providers so that the service remains sustainable.  The introduction of direct payments to parents and carers will also increase personal choice while potentially realising some efficiences. 


“Removing the automatic placement of passenger assistants will also help us to make our resources go further and support the young people who need the most help. I can reassure anyone concerned that this will only apply to new transport applicants and there will be no assistants removed from existing students.” 

Published: 15th June 2023

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