John Coleman, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Rob Powell, and Laura Benson and Gill Colbourne from the Warwickshire Libraries team.
John Coleman, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Rob Powell, and Laura Benson and Gill Colbourne from the Warwickshire Libraries team.

Warwickshire County Council’s library service has launched a new sensory offer at Stratford-upon-Avon Library.

Warwickshire County Council’s library service has launched a new sensory offer at Stratford-upon-Avon Library, which features brand new equipment including a floor projector, interactive floor mat, and a fibre optic den.

The new offer aims to improve the support and development opportunities available for all children, and especially those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The new sensory resources were announced at a celebratory launch event on Thursday 22 June.

The afternoon featured a demonstration of Stratford Library’s new sensory equipment and resources. These include a motion activated floor projector which displays shapes and movements to look at; a tactile wall panel which features spinning wheels, textured surfaces, toggles to pull and mirrors to look in; a mini soft-play den lined with fibre optic carpet for children to look inside and become immersed in the twinkling lights; as well as tactile books, individual sensory toys, darkened lighting, and a bubble wall. Warwickshire Libraries’ NAO robot also made an appearance as another important resource that can offer additional support and attention for children.

Sensory play is recognised as one of the most important methods of educating all children from an early age, as our senses are how we learn about the world around us and our relationship to it. However, a person with additional needs such as autism, learning disabilities, or sensory impairments may have more difficulty with this which can impact their personal development. Sensory play can make a huge positive difference, as it can help to build nerve connections in the brain, develop speech and language skills by engaging with the environment, and be a great way to calm anxiety and improve focus.

The launch event for the new sensory offer began with a welcome speech by Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Leader of Warwickshire County Council (WCC), followed by a speech from John Coleman, WCC’s Assistant Director of Children’s Services. The speeches discussed the importance and value of libraries to Warwickshire’s local communities, and how the new sensory offer will provide positive ways to intrigue, stimulate, or calm children who might otherwise find public spaces challenging, which in turn will help to enhance the experience of all customers who visit the library.

The speeches concluded with the cutting of a celebratory cake by Cllr Seccombe and Rob Powell, Strategic Director for Resources at WCC, followed by Emily Hunt, Warwickshire’s Young Poet Laureate for 2022-23, delivering two poems much to the delight of attendees.

Free sensory library sessions, which are limited to small numbers to create a relaxed and informal atmosphere, will take place weekly at Stratford Library on Mondays 10:30am – 11:30am for 1-4 year olds, and Wednesdays 4pm – 4:45pm for 4-11 year olds. To book a place, visit the Stratford Library Eventbrite webpage. Stratford Library’s sensory projector is also available after regular children's activities during the week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 11am, and sensory toys are available to borrow at any time, just ask a member of library staff for assistance.

Cllr Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:

“Sensory play is crucial for all children’s development, and particularly those with additional needs. Warwickshire's libraries are for everyone, and child friendly spaces have made significant strides in offering sensory resources to entertain, energise or calm those who might otherwise find being in a library challenging. By embracing sensory support as part of our child friendly offer in Warwickshire Libraries, we not only cater for a very broad range of needs but also enhance the overall library experience for all of our valued customers.”

All 18 libraries across Warwickshire will soon be adding social stories, which help individuals to develop key social skills and understand how others might behave or respond in a particular situation, and floor plans to their webpages to help prepare customers for library visits and what to expect. There are also buckets of sensory toys available on request as well as access to BagBooks sensory storytelling kits. In addition, Warwick Library offers dedicated sensory story time and craft sessions for children with SEND. To find out more about Warwickshire’s SEND local offer, visit

Warwickshire Libraries is also a friend of Child Friendly Warwickshire, which is bringing the county together in a collective effort to ensure all children and young people have a voice that is heard, that they are safe, happy and healthy and that they are equipped with the skills to have the best lives they can.

For more information about Stratford-upon-Avon Library, visit the County Council website, or for events and activities information visit Stratford-upon-Avon Library’s Eventbrite page

To join your local library for free, visit

Published: 29th June 2023

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