Warwickshire County Council along with the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board will pause to remember victims of so called ‘honour’ based abuse on Friday 14 July, as part of the national Remembrance Day.
The 14th of July is a poignant date for victims of ‘honour’ based abuse, as it marks the murder of a 17-year-old called Shafilea Ahmed, 19 years ago, who was murdered by her parents, because she refused a forced marriage.
Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety at Warwickshire County council said: “We want everyone to be safe, healthy and independent and this includes safeguarding the most vulnerable amongst us. The council and its partners are able to provide support from the first steps of acknowledging harmful based violence through to the support from specialist organisations who can help rebuild confidence and lives.”
He added: “Please know you are not alone, please do reach out if you care concerned for yourself or for someone else, we will help you.”
Each year, the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board work together to highlight the many forms of ‘honour’ based abuse to support victim-survivors and anyone who is concerned about someone they know who may be vulnerable to such abuse.
‘Honour’ based abuse is forced marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and ‘honour’ -based killings. There are signs you can look out for, which may include:
- School truancy, or not being allowed to work
- Low motivation when at work or school
- Lack of engagement extracurricular, or social, activities
- Self-harm
- Mental health concerns, such as depression
- Reports of domestic abuse at home
- Missing young people reported in the family in the past
- A family history of forced marriage or FGM
- Parents announcing they will be taking a child out of the country for a prolonged period
Detective Superintendent Jon Belcher said: “We will continue to work alongside our partners in the county and further afield to do all we can to support those who have been subjected to – or who are at risk of – honour-based abuse.
He added: “If you are in that situation, please seek help. You may feel alone but there are people who can get you to safety and support you. Please also watch out for the signs in people you know. Spotting that they are at risk and then seeking help for them could be the kindest thing you ever do.”
For help go to:
- Safe In Warwickshire - www.safeinwarwickshire.com/harmfulpractices/
- Talk2Someone - www.talk2someone.org.uk/
- Warwickshire’s Domestic Violence Service – provides advice and support to women, men and children experiencing domestic violence in Warwickshire. This includes culturally specific services, including support to victims of FGM, ‘honour’ based abuse and forced marriage. They can be contacted by email at DVSW@refuge.org.uk, or phone 0800 408 1552 or via their website.
In addition to the local support available, the following regional and national helplines can also provide help and advice to Warwickshire residents.
- West Midlands Forced Marriage and ‘Honour’ Based Abuse 24 Hour Free Helpline - 0800 953 9777
- National Forced Marriage Unit - 020 7008 0151, email fmu@fco.gov.uk or visit https://www.gov.uk/guidance/forced-marriage
- Karma Nirvana - is a national charity supporting victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Its helpline is on 0800 5999 247.
- The National FGM Centre - aims to keep children and young people safe from FGM and other harmful practices. You can call it on 0208 498 7137.
Further information about ‘honour’ based abuse and forced marriage, including downloadable posters, can be found at https://safeinwarwickshire.com/harmfulpractices/
If you or someone you know is, or is at risk of becoming, a victim of Honour Based Abuse or Forced Marriage who wants to report an incident, contact Warwickshire Police on 101. In an emergency call 999.