Warwickshire County Council’s Registration Service has scooped an award that reflects the continuously positive reviews and fantastic feedback received by the team from customers.
The Local Authority Registration and Coroner Services Association (LARCSA) recognised the service for “Best Registration Feedback”. The award nomination was submitted as part of LARCSA’s celebrations for National Registrar’s Day, which took place in July 2023. The day celebrates the continued care, professionalism, and compassion that Registrars across the country show when helping people through some of the happiest or hardest times in their lives.
Here are just a few of the examples of real customer feedback submitted as part of the award nomination:
Ceremony feedback: “Fantastic service, friendly, helpful, professional, and just the right level of sentiment during the service. Pleased and impressed!”
Death registration appointment feedback: “Very professional, knowledgeable, and compassionate. Well organised process from start to finish.”
Birth registration feedback: “Handled very professionally and courteously throughout. Our registrar made it a completely enjoyable experience.”

Warwickshire Registration Services.
Warwickshire’s Registrars are based in Nuneaton, Rugby, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Warwick, and register all births, deaths, marriages, and civil partnerships in the County. In the last year alone, the team have registered over 6500 new babies, supported families with the upmost care and compassion through over 5800 bereavements, and completed more than 3000 marriage and civil partnership ceremonies.
Cllr Yousef Dahmash, Portfolio Holder for Customer and Transformation, said:
“I would like to congratulate the Registration Services team for receiving the Best Registration Feedback award from LARCSA. Recognition from a national organisation is a fantastic reflection of the team’s continued professionalism with supporting our residents, and the high standard of service that our customers receive whilst navigating some of life’s most important moments.”
Warwickshire Registration Services provides facilities for the registration of births, deaths, civil partnership and marriage preliminaries and ceremonies, as well as the renewal of vows and naming ceremonies.
To contact Registration Services to discuss a new or existing enquiry, email registration@warwickshire.gov.uk