Warwickshire County Council (WCC) is offering guidance and support for parents and carers to help their children and young people return to school in September.
Given that a child missing school on a regular basis can be very difficult for families, they are encouraging those concerned about their child’s attendance to use the support available to them.
Going to school on a regular basis offers children and young people plenty of benefits. It impacts positively on their educational attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances. It can also help to establish positive routines for their future and bring health and wellbeing benefits.
Recognising that some pupils find it harder than others to attend school, Warwickshire County Council is encouraging parents and carers who need help in supporting their child to attend school to draw on the help available to them. Families can contact the WCC Family Information Service on 0800 408 1558 or 01926 742274 at any time or talk directly to their school once the new term starts.
Given that many families are also finding things difficult financially, Warwickshire County Council’s Family Information Services can also help with school-related costs.
They’ve also issued some guidance to parents and carers on making the most of the summer holiday to prepare their child or young person for a return to school in September:
Start school routines early, such as making sure they get enough sleep and develop healthy sleep patterns
Involve your child or young person in preparing practical things like uniform, pens, bags and shoes
Be positive about school in day-to-day conversation and focus on anything that they like about school such as friendships or activities
If they are moving to a new school, talk about what it might be like, including changing classrooms, learning new subjects, meeting new friends, while offering reassurance that support will be available
If they are travelling independently for the first time, or have any SEND considerations, travel the new route to school together over the holiday
Listen to their worries about school and reach out to professionals for help if needed
Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Education, Kam Kaur, said: “No parent or carer worried about their child not attending school should cope with this alone. Our Family Information Service can help families to access all the financial and other support that is available. School is the best place for children and young people to be, and the summer holiday is a great time to start putting those foundations in place to make sure they can have a successful and happy start to the new school year in September”.
Families wanting support should contact the Family Information Services on 0800 408 1558 or 01926 742274, via email to fis@warwickshire.gov.uk or by visiting https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/supportforchildrenandfamilies
For more information on the importance of school attendance, visit: https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2023/05/18/school-attendance-important-risks-missing-day/
For information and a range of resources to help prepare children and young people for starting or moving schools, visit: https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/transitions
There is additional information available for families of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND): https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/send
Parents and carers who want advice on whether their child is well enough to attend school can visit: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/