Epilepsy and Buccal Midazalam Duration – 3.5 hours

Epilepsy and Buccal Midazalam

Duration – 3.5 hours

Course materials – Digital link to epilepsy workbook and midazolam theory test  

  • What is Epilepsy – The trainer will lead with a short discussion about Epilepsy as the most common neurological condition and the multiple causes and types of epilepsy.
  • Understand types of seizure (video clips) – The most important skill in epilepsy/seizure care is being able to identify when someone is having a seizure, this section will go over common and uncommon seizures and delegates can share their experiences and this will be linked to videos which will help people to visualise seizures with support from the trainer.
  • Individual care plans and seizure record diaries – What is important in a care plan, how to read a care plan and what is an effective care plan. Recording of seizures is covered in depth and is highlighted as essential both at the time of the seizure and for providing evidence to the medical team supporting service users or people with epilepsy later.
  • Demonstrate how to provide first aid during a seizure – A video resource and a discussion about first aid also talking through seizures in transport and picking up on specific environments relevant to the delegates will be attended to. Recovery position and after seizure care will also feature but the practical element of this will not be possible.
  • Demonstrate how to prepare the correct dosage of Epistatus – This will be demonstrated by the trainer supported by slides (normally this is practiced by all delegates with training bottles).
  • Demonstrate when to give midazolam – Linking into care use this will be discussed as to when to administer and reasons to not administer in specific situations.
  • Demonstrate how to administer midazolam (Buccolam and Epistatus) to an individual - This will be demonstrated by the trainer supported by slides (normally this is practiced by all delegates with training bottles and in a role play).
  • Explain what care is expected after giving midazolam and what side effects to look or – This is discussed in detail both in terms of side effects of buccal midazolam and also managing postictal states which ties in with this area of care.
  • Demonstrate how to place an individual in the recovery position (if required) -  This will be discussed but cannot be practiced.
  • Demonstrate how to record the administration of midazolam – This will be covered in the section regarding documentation which is extensive and will talk about documentation of the whole process.

If you are interested in booking a space to attend, please contact Kate Shorthose kateshorthose@warwickshire.gov.uk.  Alternatively, you can contact The Learning Partnership warwickshirelearninganddevelopmentpartnership@warwickshire.gov.uk


Published: 6th September 2023

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