Lead to Succeed – 5 Day Programme - A Skills for Care Approved Leadership Programme

Lead to Succeed – 5 Day Programme - A Skills for Care Approved Leadership Programme

Target Audience:

The Lead to Succeed programme is designed support current or aspiring leaders and managers to develop their leadership and management knowledge, skills, and behaviours to achieve their full potential.

This course is delivered using a range of methods and resources including:

Live tutor facilitation, questionnaires, interactive polls, scenarios for breakout groups, questioning and participation and an end of session assessment.

This course has been developed and mapped to current occupational standards, qualification frameworks and the following documents and resources: Leadership Qualities Framework

Programme Content:

  • Developing Leadership Styles and Behaviours
  • Developing a Positive Culture
  • Managing the Performance of Individuals
  • Managing Quality
  • Leading Positive Change

Session Outcomes - Day 1 Developing Leadership Styles and Behaviours:

The purpose of this session is for learners to understand the range of leadership styles and when they should be used. It will support delegates to analyse their own leadership styles, the impact they can have when leading others and the importance in developing the ability to use all styles when the need arises. Delegates will explore the subject of emotional intelligence and understand how their behaviours can positively or negatively impact others. We will examine the 5 levels of leadership, gaining an understanding of what each of the levels mean and what they need to do in order to develop their skills to take them to level 5.

  • The knowledge, skills and behaviours required of good leaders and managers
  • The difference between leading and managing
  • Leadership Styles
  • Assessing own leadership styles and behaviours
  • Be able to develop own leadership styles and behaviours to be a more effective manager
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Assessing own levels of EI and how to develop these
  • Implications of own leadership styles for self and others
  • 5 Levels of Leadership; why would someone follow you

Post Course

During the session learners will carry out a range of self-assessments to understand their dominant leadership styles their current behaviours in relation to the dimensions of emotional intelligence and how they feel they are currently performing against the 5 levels of leadership. Learners will take the results of their assessments and combine these with results from staff surveys they will carry out back in the workplace, to fully reflect on their current leadership capabilities and create their own leadership personal development plan that they will work on throughout the programme.


Session Outcomes - Day 2 Developing a Positive Culture:

The purpose of this session is the support managers to develop an understanding of how to build a positive culture across their team and the benefits this will bring. Great leadership is the key to sustained positive culture; leaders who build trusting environments, communicate effectively, demonstrate commitment, instil accountability, are consistent in their approach and role model the right behaviours, create a positive culture and foster environments where people want to work and achieve results.

  • What is meant by a positive workplace culture
  • The role of the manager in promoting the values and shaping the culture
  • The importance of an open, honest, safe and trusting culture and how this supports individual and organisational performance
  • Developing a culture where everyone takes responsibility for working together to achieve outcomes
  • Developing a culture of continuous improvement
  • Developing a culture that is entrepreneurial and why this is important
  • Analysing your current workplace culture, scoping out the culture you aspire to achieve and setting an action plan to achieve this

Post Course

Delegates will carry out an analysis of their own workplace culture which they can do individually or as a team. Using the knowledge they have gained in the course, delegates will complete a gap analysis on where their team’s current culture is and what they want the culture to be. By understanding what changes need to be implemented for positive change, delegates will be able to produce an action plan to improve workplace culture and effectively lead through these positive changes.


Session Outcomes - Day 3 Managing the Performance of Individuals:

The purpose of this session is to enable staff to understand the value of performance management techniques and how to apply them in a fair and objective manner. The session will explore SMART objective setting, how to set performance standards, how to measure performance against agreed standards for team members and the importance of good communication and feedback to improve performance. It will explore managing underperformance to support improvements and what it would mean if the individual did not improve in line with a performance improvement plan.

  • The value of assessment the performance of individuals
  • The role of the manager in performance management
  • The benefits of formal and informal performance assessment in the workplace
  • Setting performance standards for your staff
  • Setting SMART objectives for your staff
  • Motivating to perform
  • Communication, coaching and effective feedback to improve the performance of your staff
  • Appraisal and performance management processes within your organisation
  • Managing underperformance and understanding HR and disciplinary procedures

Post Course Work

Following the training session, learners will be asked to carry out an analysis of at least 2 of performance reviews they carried out prior to the training. They will complete information on their strengths and areas for development in relation to carrying out performance reviews and then complete a self-reflective account of their performance and what they will do differently going forward. Delegates will be asked to carry out at least 2 new performance reviews within 4 weeks of the training session, giving them an opportunity to put their learning into practice. They will be encouraged to continue the cycle of self-reflection and continuous improvement in their own capabilities in carrying out performance reviews.


Session Outcomes - Day 4 Managing Quality:

The purpose of this session is to develop knowledge and understanding of quality management systems in use within the workplace, how to monitor the quality of the services provided and how to strive for quality improvements.

  • Understand the importance of quality management in the workplace
  • The importance of quality to internal and external customers
  • Quality systems in place within the organisation
  • External quality inspections and audits for the organisation
  • Tools used to measure quality in the workplace
  • Using data for quality assurance and quality improvements
  • Benchmarking
  • Striving for quality improvements within your area of responsibility
  • Working together as a management team to ensure quality improvements across the business
  • Putting forward recommendations for improvement to the senior team

Post Training

  • Learners will describe the quality measures used within the organisation and identify the quality standards set for the workplace and their area of responsibility. They will detail the tools used to measure quality and what records and plans are in place for maintaining and improving quality.
  • Learners will consider how their department or service is performing against these standards, they will identify a key area for improvement and detail their approach to leading this improvement. This will include setting SMART objectives, allocating roles & responsibilities, identifying any costs, detailing timeframes, and establishing any authorisation that may be required to make these changes. They will also detail the positive impact they expect these improvements to have on their team, the business, and all stakeholders.


Session Outcomes - Day 5 Leading Positive Change:

The purpose of this session is to develop skills required to lead a positive change.

  • Understand the need for innovation and change within an organisation
  • Understand the importance of effectively managing change within your area of responsibility and across the organisation
  • Be able to propose innovative solutions to improve organisational performance
  • Encouraging innovation within your team using techniques such as SWOT and PESTLE
  • Techniques for decision making and problem solving
  • The use of quantitative and qualitative data for informed decisions
  • Creating a change management plan
  • Implementing the change management plan and monitoring progress against agreed targets
  • Managing resources and activities to achieve the desired change
  • Leadership qualities required for successful change management

Post Training

Learners will work with their team to lead a change project based on their identified area for improvement.


Duration: 5 Days


If you are interested in booking a space to attend, please contact The Learning Partnership warwickshirelearninganddevelopmentpartnership@warwickshire.gov.uk . Alternatively, you can contact Kate Shorthose kateshorthose@warwickshire.gov.uk

Published: 4th October 2023

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