A podcast talking about sustainability
Sustainable Warwickshire podcast

It’s estimated that, by 2050, four out of five jobs in the UK will be supporting the transition to net zero. The latest episode of the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast features a discussion about the change needed to develop a workforce with the future skills to deliver on net zero ambitions, the opportunities for individuals and the economy and what support is already available for businesses in Warwickshire.

The challenge of making sure young people have the right future skills, as well as retraining and upskilling the existing workforce, is discussed on the podcast by Dr Ben Silverstone, Associate Professor and Head of the WMG Skills Unit at the University of Warwick, and Louise Stolz from Warwickshire County Council's Economy and Skills team.  

Louise is the Business Skills Support Officer responsible for liaising with employers and training providers to deliver the recently launched £900,000 three-year Future Skills Programme from Warwickshire County Council, which aims to boost apprenticeships in industry with a future focus, supporting new and emerging technologies.  

Listen to the latest episode here: https://sustainablewarwickshire.podbean.com/ 

Cllr Heather Timms, Warwickshire County Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture said: “This is a great discussion about making sure that Warwickshire has the right future skills to attract new businesses and support our existing industries that are working towards net zero targets. It’s clear that developing a sustainable Warwickshire brings so many opportunities for both young people and those already in the workplace.”. 

The Sustainable Warwickshire podcast series is for those people living and working in Warwickshire who care about climate change. It features conversations with people from across the county who are taking action to reduce carbon emissions and support biodiversity. It covers subjects such as energy, waste and recycling, transport, infrastructure and the green economy, whilst also giving Warwickshire residents ideas on how to get involved and play their part.  

You can find the Sustainable Warwickshire podcast on Spotify or Apple by searching for “Sustainable Warwickshire”. All episodes are also available at: https://sustainablewarwickshire.podbean.com/  

For more information on climate change, visit  https://www.warwickshireclimateemergency.org.uk/  

Published: 1st November 2023

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