Fireworks display in sky
Fireworks display in sky

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service is urging residents to keep safety at the front of their minds as Bonfire Night approaches.

Spectacular firework displays make Bonfire Night one of the most exciting events of the year for many but it’s also one of the busiest nights of the year for our emergency services due to the number of small fires and firework-related incidents that take place.

These incidents typically occur at family or private events as a result of mishandling fireworks, using old or illegal fireworks purchased from unlicensed sellers, failing to observe the firework code and the overconsumption of alcohol.

If you are intending to host a display, please follow the below safety tips to keep yourself and loved ones safe:

  • Only buy fireworks which carry the CE mark
  • Keep fireworks in a closed box and use them one at a time
  • Ensure your bonfire/fireworks are away from trees, fences and your property, as they could easily catch fire
  • Read and follow the instructions on each firework, using a torch if necessary
  • Never return to a firework once it’s been lit, it could blow up in your face
  • Never set off fireworks on a balcony
  • Don’t handle or light fireworks while under the influence of alcohol

Where possible, WFRS recommends that rather than put on your own fireworks display in your garden, attend an organised event instead.

Warwickshire County Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Fire Andy Crump said: “Bonfire Night is one of the busiest nights of the year for the Service and our other emergency services, as they deal with small fires and firework related incidents. Many of these happen at back garden firework displays and are the result of people misusing fireworks, not following the firework code or lighting fireworks when under the influence of alcohol.

“Fireworks and bonfires can cause devastating injuries if they’re misused. Such incidents are preventable most of the time and with most accidents happening at private parties, it’s not worth taking the risk.

“If you are planning to celebrate Bonfire Night, we urge you to stay safe, forget the back garden fireworks and go to an organised display.”

Warwickshire Trading Standards licenses the storage and sale of fireworks and are currently visiting some firework retailers to ensure that their fireworks are being stored and sold safely; for example, that fireworks are stored in a clean, dry and secure area and that they are not sold to children.

Firework retailers requiring further advice can obtain this from Business Companion: or contact Warwickshire Trading Standards on 0808 223 1133.

For further information and advice including The Firework Code and Bonfire Safety please visit

Published: 2nd November 2023

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