Warwickshire County Council’s Cabinet today approved the Sustainable Futures Strategy and its supporting delivery plan.
The Strategy sets the framework for the Council to work with local stakeholders in the community, in business and in other partner organisations to mitigate climate change and to work towards fulfilling the county’s net zero commitments.
The Strategy is the culmination of over a year’s work since its first draft went to Cabinet in October 2022, which authorised officers to undertake extensive public and stakeholder engagement. This took place between December 2022 and March 2023, with feedback sought via an online survey, and was followed by a series of expert panels in the summer.
These experts came from business, the public sector, academia, research and development, the agricultural and horticultural sectors and local partner organisations including district and borough councils and the West Midlands Combined Authority. The panel discussions covered subjects such as transport, the built environment, energy, biodiversity, waste, communities and skills.
The final Strategy and its associated action plan have been created to establish a clear pathway towards a sustainable future for Warwickshire. It has been organised around five key delivery themes, each having a clear ambition and focusing on an area where the Council is best able to make a difference:
Transport: Surface transport across the county to have zero-carbon and minimal air quality emissions. The Council will achieve this by increasing the use of sustainable modes of transport, with residents having access to zero-carbon transport options, as well as encouraging active travel.
Built Environment and Energy: Living and working in a county that is powered entirely by clean fuel or renewable sources; in buildings that are energy efficient and resilient to the impacts of climate change and connected to nature.
Resources, Waste and Material Recirculation: A county that makes the best use of its resources and minimises waste, with a thriving economy that provides commercial opportunities and sustainable jobs.
Sustainable Communities and Green Economy: A county that is measured by prosperity and health, where people have the skills and access to new jobs, and where all industries contribute to sustainable, equitable and healthy communities.
Natural Capital and Biodiversity: A habitat connected landscape for people to enjoy, wildlife to thrive and to increase the ability to capture and store carbon.
Cllr Heather Timms Portfolio Holder for Environment, Climate and Culture with Warwickshire County Council, said: “The final Strategy presented to Cabinet represented the culmination of months of hard work, not only from officers but also partners and other stakeholders, all of whom have major parts to play in supporting our commitment to reducing our own emissions to net zero by 2030 and to supporting the entire county to do the same by 2050.
“We were very pleased to see that the final Strategy comes complete with delivery plans which set out how we will begin to achieve each of the key aims.
“The input of the expert panels has refined the Strategy previously brought to Cabinet and strengthened the base from which we can make lasting and sustainable changes that will help our economy and give our county’s workforce the skills needed to make a thriving Warwickshire that is net zero.
“We always said that we are all in this together and Cabinet is pleased to endorse a Strategy that provides a clear framework and objectives for how that will actually work.”
Read the Cabinet Report here: https://democracy.warwickshire.gov.uk/documents/s33793/Sustainable%20Futures%20Strategy.pdf
For more information about how Warwickshire County Council is facing the challenges of the climate change emergency, visit: https://www.warwickshireclimateemergency.org.uk/
To sign-up to the Warwickshire County Council climate change and sustainability newsletter, visit: www.eepurl.com/hrk-zf