Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards and Fire and Rescue Services organise an annual competition to help keep children safe around fireworks.Children are asked to design a poster or w...

Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards and Fire and Rescue Services organise an annual competition to help keep children safe around fireworks.

Children are asked to design a poster or write a poem that will help warn children and young people about the dangers of fireworks.

Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Crump, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety said: "We've had some fantastic entries to this year's competition and I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate our winners and thank everyone for taking part."

"Many children love to watch fireworks, but it's important that they are kept safe. Warwickshire's Trading Standards and Fire and Rescue Services seek to keep children safe by helping to ensure that fireworks are stored safely, are not sold to young people under the age of 18 and that children are protected when they attend firework events."

Each winner will receive a £25 gift voucher and a visit to a fire station. Their poster or poem will also be used as part of the November 2019 campaign. The winners are:

  • Poem Winners

    Sophie, a pupil at Telford Junior School, Leamington Spa (photo 1)

  • Molly Owen, a pupil at Kingsbury Primary School, North Warwickshire (photo 5)
  • Avani Culshaw, a pupil at St. Giles Junior School, Bedworth (photo 6)
  • Naomi Vonledebur, a pupil at Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Princethorpe (photo 8)
  •  Poster Winners
  • Finn Grantham, a pupil at Alveston C of E Primary School, Stratford upon Avon (photo 2).
  • Taylor Jones, a pupil at St. Michael’s C of E Academy, Bedworth (photo 3)
  •  Lily Ramsden, a pupil at Thorns Community Infant School, Kenilworth (photo 4)
  • Indianna Wordly, a pupil at Abbots Farm Infant School, Rugby (photo 7)
  • Kasper Mierzejewski, St Benedict's Catholic Primary School, Atherstone (photo 9)

For more information on fire safety visit: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/fireandrescue



Photo 1: Warwickshire County Councillor Mrs Sarah Boad with Sophie and her winning poem (Telford Junior School, Leamington Spa)

Photo 2: Finn Grantham with a goody bag he received as one of his prizes (Alveston C of E Primary School, Stratford upon Avon)

Photo 3: Taylor Jones and his winning poster with Warwickshire County Councillor Bhagwant Pandher (St. Michael’s C of E Academy, Bedworth)

Photo 4: Lily Ramsden with her winning poster (Thorns Community Infant School, Kenilworth)

Photo 5: Warwickshire County Councillor Andy Jenns with Molly Owen and her winning poem together with members of Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service (Kingsbury Primary School)

Photo 6: Avani Culshaw and her winning poem with Warwickshire County Councillor Bhagwant Pandher (St. Giles Junior School, Bedworth)

Photo 7: Indianna Wordly and her winning poster with Warwickshire County Councillor Jerry Roodhouse and Gemma Childs from Warwickshire Fire and Rescue (Abbots Farm Infant School)

Photo 8: Naomi Vonledebur with her winning poem (Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School Princethorpe)

Photo 9: Kasper Mierzejewski with his winning poster (St Benedict's Catholic Primary School, Atherstone)

Published: 19th December 2018

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